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Thread: Whitsundays

  1. #1


    Hi Guys and Gals

    I am of to the Whitsundays in early October with the little lady for our honeymoon. For the first 5 days we have booked a bareboat charter on a 31ft yacht to go cruising around the islands and maybe even a bit of fishing.

    At this stage my thoughts for rods and reels were a TLD 25 and a Diawa LD50 both loaded with 15kg for trolling while sailing, 2 light flick sticks with 4lb fireline for tossing lures around the sand flats and an ABU 3600C with 20lb braid and a 5kg threadline outfit for tossing lures around reef. How would this tackle stand up??

    Being mainly an estuary fisherman on the central coast (NSW) I am well out of my depth that far up the coast. I am looking for some pointers on what lures we will need to take with us. We will need something for trolling behind the boat while sailing and also for tossing around bommies etc.

    The second half of the honeymoon will be a week on Brampton Island eating, drinking and relaxing.

    Thanks in advance.


    Jethro 8)

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Whitsundays

    The gear sounds good. I use Halco Laserpro 190's almost exclusively these days for trolling and I catch Mackerel, Tuna, Cod, Coral Trout, Grunter etc on these things. I don't use lures for bottom bashing, just good old pilchards on a 9/0 hook on either a hand-line (100lb) or the overhead loaded with 30lb+ braid. Leave the light stuff at home or if you MUST bring it, catch some livies as bait for the big stuff.

  3. #3

    Re: Whitsundays

    Thanks Whiteman [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    When trolling lures up there in October is there a need for wire or will heavy mono do?? If mono how heavy are we talking??


    Jethro [smiley=jester.gif]

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