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jellyfish + cast net = ?????? - Page 3
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Thread: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

  1. #31

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    The box jelly:
    This is said to be the most dangerous marine animal known.
    Its box shaped body can measure up to20cm along each side and has up to 15 tentacles, up to 3m in length on each of its 4 pedalia. The animal is small at the begining of the hot season, and increases in size and toxicity as it matures during the season. it is especialy common after bad weather and on cloudy days, when it moves into shallower water. It is almost invisible in its natural habitat, being pale blue and transparent. It tends to avoid noise eg speed boats etc and turbulence eg surf- but this should not be relied upon. Its swimming speed reaches 4 knots, but it often drifts with the wind and the tide when near the surface. The severity of the sting increases with the size of the animal,the extent of contact with the victim, and the delicacy of the victims skin.

    regards Tony

  2. #32
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    I first learnt to throw a cast net in Cairns. An old bloke taught me and he said the only way to throw it was forehand so that the tentacles of box jellies do not sting your shoulders or arms. He learnt the hard way , and had numerous scars on his shoulder from his younger days. Apparently the tentacles break off and float around in the creeks, and they can still sting you for some time even though they are not attached to the box.

  3. #33

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Neptune is absolutely correct.
    I watched several mates of mine get hit by box jellies using the over the shoulder method...looked like it hurt so i taught myself the forward "flip' style of casting. Works a treat and caught many a box jelly in the net.
    Sitting in a creek up in Weipa we saw many of the things swimming upstream whenever there was a thunderstorm brewing. Some of them had a bell nearly a metre long. That is not a fishing story by the way!

  4. #34

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    got back from fishen today and i saw this jelly fish with yelowish tenticles i think it was a boxer but it was swimmin around ma freinds jigs anyways lucky i didnt fall in, there was a couple, wat are they ???

  5. #35

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Had a look in the books Ive got Charles, but couldnt find anything with distinctly yellow tentacles. But play it safe mate and consider them nasty untill you find out any different! ??? ???

    Regards Tony

  6. #36
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Charles, do you think it was Anthony Mundine?

  7. #37

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    yere ill play it safe
    yere mate it could of been anthony and his brothers lookin for a fight, but why the jigs

  8. #38

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Daughter and her friend were hit by a box jelly quite a few years ago up in Gladstone.
    They spent a day and a night in hospital wearing vinegar soaked light hessian.
    Her friend still carries the scars today but daughter recovered very well, guesas she was the lucky one.
    We were told the vinegar neutralises the stinging sensation but you still need to make sure all the tentacles are removed completely.
    Young child was hit at a similar location a few days later and died.

    Always play it safe...

    Cheers Rich.

  9. #39

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    thanks for the story
    now i really dont want to walk into the water

  10. #40

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Here's a shot of one we found in the Middle East..pretty far gone, but enough to give you a hurry up!
    I always keep a couple of litres of vinegar in the boat...helps for urchin spines (a bit) and for any other jelly stings that you may pick up.

  11. #41

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    I was fishing at Palm Cove Jetty this morning and caught a box jellyfish in my cast net. It was about 10cm in diameter with four yellow clumps of tenticles. I left it in there to dry out when, to my absolute horror, someone came up and grabbed it out of the net, then stood on it. God knows how he didn't get stung.

  12. #42

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    hahaha some people. how did you go at palm cove, any fish?

  13. #43

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    ey all
    nice pic.
    yere when i went to marlin jetty thats what i saw swimin around ma freinds jigs, anyway what ya get

  14. #44
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    he got a box jelly

  15. #45

    Re: jellyfish + cast net = ??????

    Chico- Plenty of runs on live herring, sturggled to stay connected on most hits. I suspect most were wolfies. In all I got ten strikes and only two fish: an undersize doggie, and a wolfie. I was back there tonight, even carried live baits in, didn't turn a reel!.

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