thanks mate um if i were you i would dig a hole like you suggested, or keep it as a pet
in case you didnt now i was joking![]()
thanks mate um if i were you i would dig a hole like you suggested, or keep it as a pet
in case you didnt now i was joking![]()
Jack, the wife and i each got a stinger suit for Xmas now after reading your post I might buy another 3, 4 layers has got to be better than 1 right? Anyone seen these jellys washed up on the beach? nq
When I stayed in Weipa for two weeks last year I often had to deal with box jellyfish in the cast net. I would usually bring two cast nets, if one got fouled up with box jellyfish I would carefully put it in a bucket and use the other one. If the second one also caught them I would try to get them out with sticks or, if that failed stop fishing altogether...or use lures. When I got home I would lay out the cast net on the lawn, wash it out, and leave to dry for several hours in the midday sun. In my whole 3years living, and fishing in Cairns it has only happened once- at palm Cove Jetty. Unfortunately I did get stung but luckily it was not a box jellyfish and someone had vinegar on-hand.
that sounds fair enough bad bubby but leaving a mono cast net in the midday sun for a few hours is one top way to wreck it! sun and mono dont mix.
i totally agree with jeffo but i dont have a mono i got a nylon haha
nice story bad bubby now i know what to do![]()
Is it true that the irrajukangi jelly fish is only about he size of a fifty cent peice clear in colour and can kill?
Wouldn't want that in the net if it is true.
We get heaps of blue bottles around brissy at certain times of the year, although they sting they are not fatal useually.
Cheers Kev.
I think they can be small although this year around Cairns we got an influx of big old ones for some reason, on TV they looked to be around 10cm wide?, they said they were a few years old, go figure. There should be a test like where a person can find out if they will turn to shock if stung, i think anafalaxis(sp) is the only reason people die from jellys.
I thought i saw a box jelly of Moreton in the bay once, it probably wasn't but got me out of it's way fast.
When snorkeling as a teenager and surfacing I came up directly under a one of those 2 foot wide man o wars? (big dirty brown bugger with streaming tenticles) in Bribie passage, I had welts from arsehole to breakfast, everytime the wind blew and moved a hair anywhere on my body it was VERY painfull, the really painful effects only lasted 4 to 6 or so hours then it just hurt. If the box or Iri jelly hurts more than them then I really dont need live bait that bad.
Bluebottles are a walk in the park for me for some reason unless they get me around my armpit or crotch. Nq
Jeffo- So what happens when you are fishing ???, are you supposed to leave your cast net under an umbrella?but leaving a mono cast net in the midday sun for a few hours is one top way to wreck it!. Either way it will be in the sun.
not just the individual tentecales can sting but each cell on it can "pack a punch"- just wait till a fish flopping around flicks one in your eye
ps i havnt tried this but urine is supposed to work nearly as well as vinegar,lemon juice should work even better
It is transparent with a body 1.5cm in length and 1cm across
with 4 tentacles varying from 4cm to 1m in length.
Clinical features.
A few seconds after contact, a stinging sensation is felt and this increases in intensity for a few minutes. It then diminishes during the next half hour. It is usually enough to cause many children to cry, and adults to leave the water.
Abdominal pains
Muscular aches
Respiratory distress
Increased sweating
nausea and vomiting
Numbness and tingling itching smarting eyes, sneezing, joint and nerve pain, weakness rigors, dry mouth and headache etc
Give me a deteriorating cast net any day!![]()
This is interesting because the box jellyfish I saw in Weipa were sustantially larger than what is being said so far. Several of the ones I cast netted would have had a bulb at least 15cmx15cm, and the smaller ones still were around 5cmx5cm. They were definitely box jellyfish, which I assume to be the same as irrikanji (sp).
No I am led to believe the box is different to that Japanese jelly.
And I am told that if stung around the abdomen and chest is the sting that will kill, due to respitry failure.
And you should not wash the sting area in fresh water only vinegar or put on ice pack.
Correct me if I have heard wrong.
The box jelly is probly the most harmful jelly being able to kill you within seconds and causing disastarous scaring and an imense burning sensation. The irakandji (spelling) is what has caused all cairns beaches to be close this season and last. due to being so small that they can fit through the netting in the stinger nets. They are not as dangerous as the box but have caused deaths due to them attacking the respiratory system. They are extremely small and dangerous. This stinger season has seen an increase in box numbers and size and they are recognisable as there bulb is a square box shape, as the name says. Anyway any jelly should be avoided when caught in a net. Stay away from the bastards and carry vinegar with you.
Ok what I saw on TV must have been Box jellys. Seems a person has to watch out for everything 15cm and below-greatas well as all the misc body parts wherever they may be
. nq