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Thread: Mud crabs - life expectancy

  1. #1

    Mud crabs - life expectancy

    How long will a crab live if tied up?

    Are there any other ways of keeping a crab after being caught? I'm guessing they're not ideal for freezing although i did see an article once that mentioned cooking them and then freezing.

  2. #2

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    I've kept muddies for 2 weeks in an esky with a damp cloth covering them. I've also kept one for a week in an esky with about an inch of sea water in the bottom, changing the water every day.

    I regularly freeze them green, clean them frozen and then cook once thawed. The meat seems to hold up with freezing but don't clean them before you freeze them.

  3. #3

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    keeping em in a damp heashin bag works a treat to. but i have also kept em for up to a week in a bucket.


  4. #4

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    not sure how long they last but i did read an articale in fishing and boating about keeping them in a rabbit type hutch up away from the ants and covered in the mangrove leaves!
    never had the chance to try this as i don't seem to be able to catch enoght ot try!

  5. #5

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    hi all
    With crayfish we put them in a fridge for a couple of days and they slow down, then freeze without cooking. when ready to eat cook as you would a fresh one. dont know how this would work
    on the muddies

  6. #6

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    basserman, I heard it was illegal to pick mangrove leave. Not sure if it's true or not.

  7. #7

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    may be up in qld i know it isn't in nsw but then again we don't get as many muddies to pick the trees for!
    something you would need to check i guess

  8. #8

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    They wouldn't be as full after storing them for that long surely. I've often though of feeding up the green ones to get a bit of meat on them..........just need an aquarium and some patience!

  9. #9

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    Thanks. Just need to get a few now, am going on weeks trip this weekend. Nothing like positive thinking i say!

  10. #10

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    Quote Originally Posted by firetruck
    How long will a crab live if tied up?

    Are there any other ways of keeping a crab after being caught? I'm guessing they're not ideal for freezing although i did see an article once that mentioned cooking them and then freezing.
    i've caught some beauties at work and usually
    freeze them for a few hours.
    that puts 'em into suspended animation. lol.
    had a few wake up in the kitchen sink several hours later.
    i can tell you they are fully alive and snapping when they
    hit the kitchen floor.

  11. #11

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy

    [smiley=laugh.gif] @ wake up time in the kitchen.

    We put a large one in with the iced beer once to tame him down.
    It came back to life later on beside the boiling pot and camp fire munching out on the chef.
    Laughed about it for hours, well everyone except the chef lol...

    Muddies will loose condition if kept alive for too long before cooking them.


  12. #12

    Re: Mud crabs - life expectancy


    5 minutes after the water boils
    "whats the time"

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