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Thread: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

  1. #1

    Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    Dose anybody know what reef is due east about 4 or 5 klms of cape Morton. I've seen a few charter boats there over the years and wonderd whats there and if it's worth a drop. ???.
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  2. #2

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    There is broken ground all through that area. Turn on your sounder & look for structure from 60M. Take plenty of gear cos you will lose a bit if you are bottom bashing.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  3. #3

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    Peter is it worth fishing it or go to tempest, like the norm?
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  4. #4

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    If you have a good sounder & fish are showing then try. Would not fish in less than 60M though. If you see a charter boat in the area then get close to their drift line & wet some bait. Just make sure they are fishing & not live baiting.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  5. #5

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest


    most boats are gathering livies and then off to their fishing spots

    deep tempest is the place you are sure to catch your snapper
    "whats the time"

  6. #6

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    <I>deep tempest is the place you are sure to catch your snapper </I>


    I'm new to this forum so don't know my way around yet.

    could someone give me tips on how to find deep tempest and how to fish it.

    I have a 21 foot cat, and a coupple of TLD 25s and Im not afraid to use them.

  7. #7

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    Deep Tempest is SE of Cape Moreton. Are you in the Brisbane
    area? DT is a huge area of reef & broken ground famous for snapper.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  8. #8

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    >>Are you in the Brisbane

    Yes I lve in Manly.

    I fish the bay with little if any success and want to learn more about fishing off shore.

    Is Deep tempest on the maps? I dont have one in front of me ATM.

    Does anyone have a GPS for the area that they wouldn't mind giving me?

  9. #9

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    Get an Offshore Sun Map and you will find Tempest. Make sure that your boat is up to the trip before you head out there though. It's a long way back to Manly.


  10. #10

    Re: Reef between Morton and Deep Tempest

    DB, Head out there on a good day. You WILL NOT need a GPS as the number of boats there is a sure give away. Get in the drift and mark your own hot spots. I only had to go out once and now have marks.

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