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Thread: Ques on wide coloundra

  1. #1

    Ques on wide coloundra

    About a month ago i drove my boat up to wide coloundra via the outside of b/island, about a klm off it. The spot i fished was about 16 klms e/se off coloundra. What i would like to know is- Does W/C go from this point roughly to past Hutchies.- Can you drive there straight from the bottom of b/island without running over the pellican banks or any other hazzards- How far off the top of Hutchies is it- Is it worth the trip- I've heard that there is hardly any structure on it to say that your here. My missis ask less questions when im home late. Thanks Boys
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  2. #2

    Re: Ques on wide coloundra


    When I fish Wide Caloundra, leaving from Bribie (spinneker sound), I run out around the southern end of Bribie and once I am clear of the south east corner, I head straight for the Cardinal Mark that signals the edge of the spitfire banks. I skirt around the shallowest past of the spitfires and then out through a channel (i think it is called the north east channel). The channel is marked by buoys and is a good deep entrance through the banks. The only thing you need to watch out for is if the swell is large as it can break around the spitfire area. I wont go that way if the swell is forecast for 2 metres or more.

    Get yourself a good paper chart and plot a route off the chart into your GPS and you will have no trouble. It is a much shorter trip than travelling up to Caloundra and then out.

    Wide Caloundra is a big area that varies greatly in depth. I mainly fish the southern end. The bottom is flat rubble with very small lumps often covered in wire weed. It fishes pretty well for snapper and pearlies at times.



  3. #3

    Re: Ques on wide coloundra

    Thanks Mark
    I'll have a look on the map and try and fathom something out on your ihformation.
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  4. #4

    Re: Ques on wide coloundra

    when i fish w/c i drive to moolooaba & head out from there, i travel out about 40 kms to my grounds, any more info let me know. but its a big area & there`s heaps of ground to fish its just a matter of getting out there & looking around when the weather lets us this weekend is looking the go. lee

  5. #5

    Re: Ques on wide coloundra

    Hi SeaSaw,

    How far is it out to WC from Spinnaker via the route that you suggest?



  6. #6

    Re: Ques on wide coloundra

    Hi Smerl,

    If you are fishing the southern end of WC it is just under 40km from spinnaker. If you are heading more up towards the middle, it is more like 50km - it is easier to go from Mooloolaba if fishing the middle to northern end.



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