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Thread: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

  1. #1

    laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    Have tried everywhere to find a chart for jacobs well/pin area,they seem to have disappeared. I dont want a book(brownies coaast watch etc)...can anybody help please??? PS laminated.

  2. #2

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    I have a chart Steiglitz to Southport in good condition. not laminated though.

  3. #3

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    If your talking about a Nautical Chart?? You can buy them for about $12 at believe it or not! Your local Motor Registry.

    If they don't have a particular area in stock! they will order it for you and get it posted out to you on payment up front.

    Don't think they come laminated at that price! If you have a camera? Digital is best, you can take a close up of the chart then download the image to your computer, then print up an A4 and then go to someone to laminate it for you. If you are only going to use certain sections of the chart, it will require maybe 4 close up shots of the chart to bring them up to a suitable size to get the detail.

    Hope thats what your looking for. Tezza.

  4. #4

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    Hi Hero

    Sent you a pm



  5. #5

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc


    Are you in Brisbane?

    I get all my charts from Boat Books on Albert St. opp where Festival Hall use to be.

    They can laminate them as you wait.

    Brownies is useless. No Lat and Long.


  6. #6

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    Thats right Wes, a lot of very interesting stuff in that Boat Books shop.
    The charts are produced by Queensland Transport and you can get them from good tackle shops, Places like Springwood marine or Sundown Marine at Scarborough, andsome Queensland Transport outlets , but it pays to call first. 8)

  7. #7

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc

    Good on ya Wes... someone who uses charts and is obviously a true conniseur...
    Next time you are in, check out the Admiralty charts... not as user friendly to the eye, but are updated all the time... I think Bargain Boat Books offer a service to update Qld TPT charts too.
    Btw, Brownies is better than nothing... lots of people dont bother with anything unfortunately and sometimes it makes it bl#*dy hard to find them... had someone use a page number and cross referenced off the page and they were spot on 2 weeks ago.. saved a lot of the usual mucking around looking for them
    Heres a link to the Book Shop... they also offer a mail out catalogue service for free...
    Cheers Lloyd

  8. #8

    Re: laminated chart jacobs well/pin area etc


    Boat Boats is good to have a look at. They even stock saltwater flyfishing books.

    My chart is Couran to Redland Bay(1st ed 1999) Moreton Bay Series - Chart MB7 by Qld Transport.

    I like to get charts of the places I'm going to fish. I got charts of Shark Bay WA, Weipa, Hinchenbook, Hervey Bay, and Moreton Bay. One of my favourites is of Christmas Island, Kiribati when I went bonefishing.

    I have a good look at the charts before heading out. Put in a few waypoints into the GPS and carry the charts with me.

    Brownies is pretty useless with a GPS though, but better than nothing I guess.


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