well I decided to give it a go.I am on 4 weeks off and getting married next saturday at straddie so i set off to fish on my own midweek.And although no keepers i got a couple of beauties for mother in law!!!
well I decided to give it a go.I am on 4 weeks off and getting married next saturday at straddie so i set off to fish on my own midweek.And although no keepers i got a couple of beauties for mother in law!!!
nice work congrats on getting married also i went to a squigy semenare sorry dont now how to spell any way it help my soft plastic fishing alot it showed you different tatics for different fish it was good now i catch trevs flattys pike talior ive even caught a whitting on soft plastics
cheers 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)