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Thread: licence/fishing permit??

  1. #1

    licence/fishing permit??

    G,day guys

    just wondering,do I need any type of licence or permit to fish from the beaches or rivers/canals??

    and I know this is saltwater chat but will i need one if i go to the lakes/dams to fish for bass etc etc??

    just thought i would ask as over here in the u.k they(government) are planning to introduce a sea fishing licence to what benifit i can not see ??? as i can not see how they are going to police the whole idea and so many are against yet another tax on our freedom that not many will buy the thing anyway besides that it had been inshrined in the magna carta that we had a right to fish from our tidal shores and to collect food and bait so this is also causing a huge issue.

    personally i would not mind paying into it if they could demonstrate that sea angling would be taken seriously and they would do something to protect the fish stocks ,that they have been selling to the french and spanish for so long > >
    which in part has wrecked the sea fishing over here.

    anyway thanks guys just dont want to get nicked by the police or anything like that as it wont help the visa cause i am sure lol lol

    cheers regards


  2. #2

    Re: licence/fishing permit??

    You need one in NSW, but not in QLD (yet ).
    If your going to fish NSW you can get them at any tackle store or bait shop. It covers both fresh and salt water fishing.
    Some of the freshwater lakes in QLD, you need a Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIP). See Fitzy's website for details. (hints and tips at the top of the page and go to Fitzy's sweetwater fishing).

  3. #3

    Re: licence/fishing permit??

    cheers Jeff thanks mate



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