The ramp at Turkey isnt an all tide ramp. I can vouch for that, i found out the hard way. On low tide the locals use the little sandy beach next to the ramp to launch and retrieve. I spent easter there last year with some real shithouse weather. I got there good friday and that was the last day we could get outside. Being overly excited and keen to get into it while we had favorable conditions we headed off without checking the tides properly. On returning to the ramp the water was just lapping about a foot beneath the end of the concrete ramp
so i quickly backed the trailer down and sat the trailer wheels right on the edge of the concrete hoping like buggery that it wouldnt fall off the bottom of the ramp. To cut a long story short i got the boat back on the trailer but i reckon if we had of been another half an hour later i would of been knocking on one of the locals doors with a 6 pack in hand asking to borrow the beloved tractor