Great topic!!
These aren't really specific presentation techniques, but more or less what I think through before casting.
1. What predators am I targeting?? Will I be trolling livies? Will they attack from above or below, head or tail?? This determines the hook position. As a personal preference I like to use wide gape hooks for livies.
2. Should I use two hooks?? (Single through the nose and treble up the rear passage).
3. How can I prevent the bait from rotating?? Instead of having a square, thin (thickness) piece of bait on if I cut it longer and thinner (width) will that help prevent rotation?
4. Where is the point of the hook? Is it in a position to snag the lip or the snodger fish, or is it hidden and burried? I like to keep the point on the flesh side (not skin) of fillets.
5. Can I hide the hook? I like to use a small bead and bit of red tube to trick the fish into thinking the hook is part of the bait.
6. Will the livie I'm using try to hide under my boat or float?? If so I cut the bottom of its tail fin to force it to swim down. I cut the top of the tail fin if the bait trys to bury itself in the mud.
Their the main points. Just quickly written down. Nothing earth-shattering-ly new...
Hope it helps.