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Thread: advice on sunny coast please

  1. #1

    advice on sunny coast please

    hi guys

    i have been on the forum for a while,and part of the live chat thing also and have been living in caboolture for a while and have now rented a place in maroochy (sippy downs) and i will be there from the new year in

    thing is guys i am a land based fisho but love boat fishing also but i dont know any of the local marks for beach/river fishing i love beach casting but would love to get into lure fishing but have no idea where to go for either of this ??? i have however fish mudjimba beach north shore but only once and loved it!!
    only caught shovelies lol lol and got bitten off and snapped up by something big using whole squid which was fun!!!!!

    but as i said i would love to find a few places to throw some lures from the beach or rivers but need some of you guys expert advice as to where to go ??? i would love to get out into some blue water also from the boats and can always help out with bait and fuel etc etc no worries if any one has a place going sometimes????

    anyway thanks guys for any help you can offer and i hope to meet up with a few of you boys for a fish or a beer!!!!

    kind regards


  2. #2

    Re: advice on sunny coast please

    Paul - i'll show you the offshore action ,but im know good to ya for shore based or the local creeks up there, hope some others can help you out...foxy

  3. #3

    Re: advice on sunny coast please

    hey dave

    cheers mate!! it will be great to meet up you with you guys again for some of that arm wrenching action you, paul (spainard) and your dad get off shore !!

    i see what you mean about the sting rays off the passage side at bribie got one first cast!! bloody things!! take some shifting mate once they suck to the bottom!!! had some dart and tailor too and the kids caught their first Aussie fish!! which was great they loved it and want to go again ASAP!!
    my little girl was telling every one that came past about the little dart she caught....... best ten bucks spent on worms ever to see the look on their faces when the fish hit the bait!! lol lol

    thanks dave ,see you after christmas, have a good un mate regards to dad and paul



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