When I used to fish the river I always used to take a (usually 2) trap to catch muddies while I was drifting the river.
My mate and I have been rebuilding his (bigger) boat so we can get back out to bluewater fishing and nattering yesterday we were wondering why we wouldn't take a couple of lobster pots with us each time we went fishing. I mean, throw them out and then pick them up again on the way in.
The answer of course is that we don't know j/s about where to begin with lobster. Do you just find a bit of reefy bottom in less than 10 m. of water (NSW reg) and chuck a couple of pots out? Surely there is more to it than that ? Anybody got good suggestions for where to put the traps (nthn NSW - Ballina/Evans Head) and info like what is the best for bait in the trap?
PS did a search on ausfish and found very little - not many seem to try - I guess there is a reason for this - too hard to get a result??