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Thread: cairns/yorkies knob to shelf?

  1. #1

    cairns/yorkies knob to shelf?

    Anyone tell me how far it is to the deep water(shelf) from yorkies knob or cairns?Also is it an obstical course to get through the reef or pretty straight forward? any info would be greatly apreciated. daniel

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: cairns/yorkies knob to shelf?

    Would have to go and find my chart for up there, at a guess it's about 35 - 40nm. Heaps of reefs to look out for, but the main route out from Cairns is pretty well lit at night.

    Hope that helps.


  3. #3

    Re: cairns/yorkies knob to shelf?

    From yorkies its about 40nm to lindan bank in a north direction. From their its about 5nm until it's starts to drop off to 300-400ft plus 0f water.

    You will go pass pixie reef and then out through the passage. Check your green zone map (cairns) and if your chart plotter has a map also check it as well.

    Hope this helps.

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