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Thread: Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

  1. #1

    Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

    Hi all

    Saw a guy wading in between Cleveland point and the first entrance to Raby bay last week. Despite the fact he was probably very cold (decent SE blowing and no waders!!!), I saw him hook what looked like trevors on poppers. Has anyone else had any luck with the local trevally population in around Raby bay, and whats your plan of attack (tides, lures etc)


  2. #2

    Re: Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

    Quite a few estuary cod in the main canal too. Just at the moment there is heaps of bait fish in the main Ross canal, could just about walk across them in spots

  3. #3

    Re: Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

    Yeh , gotten plenty of Cod in their aswell ....
    Might go casting one night this week ...

    Never walked out across the front...never would either .
    Perfectly fine fishing from the canals , don't need to get myself wet , and don't trust the stability of those muddy banks !

  4. #4

    Re: Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

    If you are going down on either Tues or Friday night, and would like some company, send me a PM with your details and I'll meet you down there.

  5. #5

    Re: Trevally at Cleveland / Raby bay

    I have caught heaps of small trevs through there over the years ...never targetted them , just whilst fishing for Jacks or bream or squire .
    small poppers , small divers , baits ...there seems to be good numbers of trevs in the canals but never caught anything i would call sizeable

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