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Thread: Crazy shark

  1. #1

    Crazy shark

    went fishing last week targeting flathead. after about 40min me and my mate realised that we werent going to catch anything then all of a sudden his rod nearly snaps in half. after 5 min of so battling this big fish we see a shark jump out of the water and we both couldnt believe what we'd hooked we nearly had landed him on the rocks when SNAP! the line breaks we were so disappointed we just looked at each other and said lets go home. 10 seconds later my rod goes off and i reel it in to see this shark covered in fishing line. it was the same shark my mate had hooked just seconds before and we were both keen to get him in. then SNAP! line breaks. so i jumped into the rock basin, put my foot on him hopint he isnt gonne bite my leg off, then my amte graps the knife and finishes him off! WHAT A CATCH!!! got both rigs back too and about 2kg in flake fillets.....YUM!

  2. #2

    Re: Crazy shark

    Quote Originally Posted by rhinoauk
    so i jumped into the rock basin, put my foot on him hopint he isnt gonne bite my leg off, then my amte graps the knife and finishes him off! !
    Sounds like Crazy Rhinoauk !!

    What size was the shark?

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Crazy shark

    Good effort!!

  4. #4

    Re: Crazy shark

    what sotra shark and any pic's
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  5. #5

    Re: Crazy shark

    sounds like you had a little schooly or whaler ...the little tackers put some good gas on don't they !

    we have a spot my brother nicknamed ' little league ' just out the front of raby bay canals

    We used to clean up on the small sharks around 5 - 10 kg , fished em on 1 & 2 kg tackle ....heaps of FUN !
    We got up to 15 a night sometimes.

  6. #6

    Re: Crazy shark

    It weighed 6.5kg. my mate took his camera so we have pics. when he comes round next il post em'. the shark was 1.3m. yeh it was a great battle, a little dossapointing though we didnt catch more. we had to wait around 40min per bite. that normal? do they patrol up and down the reefs looking for food?

  7. #7

    Re: Crazy shark

    Sharks don't sit still .....well not most species .
    Yes , they will swim over huge areas back and forth searching for food ... if you pick the right spot they group up on dawn and dusk it can only take a few minutes to get a lock up .

  8. #8

    Re: Crazy shark


    i wondered who that was

    i was fishing nearby & was taken by surprise too - i did manage though, being a seasoned big game man, to stay calm & snap this pic before you subdued the thing with ya foot

    Quote Originally Posted by rhinoauk
    and about 2kg in flake fillets.....YUM!
    you should improve your knife work though


  9. #9

    Re: Crazy shark

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA chris. well done!!!

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