I used the ramp on the Northern side of the Mooloola R next to the CG on Saturday and found that the tap has now been disconnected and is no longer available to flush your outboard. I was pretty bloody pissed by this. I think it is far more efficient to flush immediately after you get back while the engine is still warm, than when you get back home. Much more convenient and also alot quieter for the neighbours.
I have started a poll to see what people regard as the most important issues influencing their choice of ramp.
I have also written a letter to the Mooloolaba Harbour Controller (0407 587 862) to express my disappointment. The letter is below. Address is Queensland Transport, Mooloolaba Harboar Controller, PO Box 1094, Mooloolaba 4557.
"Dear Sir,
I am writing in response to the decision by Queensland Transport and the Mooloolaba Harbour Controller to disconnect the water supply tap located near the Mooloolaba Coast Guard which was used for vessel and trailer wash down.
I am disappointed by this decision and I would like to see the water continue to be available to trailerboat owners. I believe the decision was made based on congestion of cars and boats waiting to use the tap and water conservation.
Regarding the congestion issue, I have been using this tap approximately once a month for about 6 years and I have never seen more than one car/boat waiting in line to use the tap. I own a small boat and thus can only fish in good weather and on weekends, so this would be the times when the ramp would be at its busiest. It must be very rare occasions when more than two cars/boats are in line.
As for the water conservation issue, I note that the Baroon Pocket Dam is at 86.4% capacity, while the Wappa, Poona and Cooloolabin dams average 75% capacity (source: Sunday Mail, 25th September). I feel that it is far more efficient to flush the outboard when the engine is still warm, rather than 90 minutes later when I get home. Thus, it will actually use more water for me to have to flush and wash down at home, compared to at the ramp. It is also much more considerate to my neighbours. I believe that the cost of the water should be covered by the Private Pleasure Vessel levy on the boat CTP insurance.
I feel that the lack of water at both ramps at Mooloolaba (the taps at La Balsa Pk are impossible to use for flushing) will influence my and other people’s decisions on where to launch their boats. This will cost Mooloolaba tourism and may be a safety factor as I will now launch predominantly at Caloundra and cross the bar there.
I hope you will reconsider the decision to disconnect the water supply, and I certainly hope that the water supply will not be disconnected at other boat ramps on the Sunshine Coast or throughout Brisbane.
Yours sincerely"