hi guys..this is my first post..so please help me out...
i found a new interest in deep water jigging and bought this 230g knife jig..havent used it though and thought of using it next week on a charter off gold coast.
seen lots of pics of it catching huge amberjack. and kingfish and the occassional snapper....
i have a few qns...
1> is it really that productive?
2> when do i use it...how do i noe there is fish big enuff to take it... when i am off shore looking at the sounder.
3>how do i rig it? issit juz a leader to it , swivel then to mainline? do i need a swivel juz b4 the jig?wat strength leader?
4>how do i use it? juz drop it all the way to the bottom and lifting my rod up and down? do i have to wind?
5> how does the bite feel like?
6> wat colours and wat model works best?? so many out there...
Thanks guys... sorry for all the qns... and ur time.. but really hope u experts out there can really help me....