Is it just the 3 of you going? Sounds like fun there. With all the trevors, massive flatties, whiting, sharks. Go get em
Is it just the 3 of you going? Sounds like fun there. With all the trevors, massive flatties, whiting, sharks. Go get em
I've known plenty of fellas to fish there after dark when they were camping, I somehow doubt they will stop you.
Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill
yea just the three of us
where abouts r the massive flatties around tangalooma? near the wrecks? jetty or beach?
I go to tangalooma every year.....we found a good spot about 1km(abouts) south of the Jetty were a sandy point comes out....about 50m before it...whiting are there by the thousands....good size ones too...We used worms bought from the resort shop for bait...Just try drifting from the jetty the whole way down about 50-100m from shore and ull pick up plenty....with the odd flathead aswell.(Should even be more now cause resort tinnies can't go that far)