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  1. #16


    Beautiful fish EB! Congrats. And regardless of how it was hooked, if a man wants to keep his catch that's his perogative.


  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jun 2005


    The reason we are now catching more BIG Flatties in Qld is due to the "slot-size" regulations and the effect of releasing big fish

    This is why Stainless steel hooks should be BANNED!!!!!!!

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Aug 2005


    Now you've opened up a can of worms fish2eat

    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by fish2eat
    The reason we are now catching more BIG Flatties in Qld is due to the "slot-size" regulations and the effect of releasing big fish

    This is why Stainless steel hooks should be BANNED!!!!!!!

    what is the alternitive?

  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    thats an awesome fish

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2004


    I caught a flattie a little over 1m long and about 250mm across the head about 2 years ago down here in Batemans Bay.I was fishing for sharks at the time and had a 300mm tailor out off the beach when this thing smashed it...I ended up landing it but it was pretty knackered so I swam it for almost an hour before she started to kick heaps and then away she went...Who knows if it lived or not but at least I tried...

  7. #22


    Hey evan's boy all I said was it is a shame. I too believe that the reason the flathead fishing in Queensland has been so good this year is due to the slot size limits from a couple of years back really starting to kick in and pay some dividends. Animals and fish survive some horrific injuries and go on to live normal lives so we will never know if it would have got by with that hook in it's gut or not. I didn't know what kind of shape it was in when you landed it or what kind of rig you were using but what I do know is that it is a very well known fact that flathead of that size are the breeding females and are worth alot more back in the water, even with a slim chance of survival. Like I said, it looks pretty dead to me in that shot with an internal wall in the background, it is just a shame that circumstances couldn't justify it's release.

    PS: I never mentioned redneck trophy hunters in my post, maybe you've heard that from somewhere else.

    PPS: I hope you don't mean the Southport seaway when you mentioned catching it while "FISHING FOR NOAH'S IN THE SEAWAY", that would mean that big girl should've been released no matter what sort of condition she was in because you caught her earlier this year well after any changes to size limits in QLD.

    cheers Kev

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Aug 2002


    What is it about Flathead? Next time I hear or read about how great a "sportfish" the flathead is I'm going to puke.I have caught plenty of lizzards some bigger than the one in the photo and have to say that they all had the fighting attributes of a lump of weed,maybe the attraction is that even the most challenged of anglers can manage quite a few of them,I don't know, there is definately no shortage of them at that size on the north coast of NSW and what's more it's not illeagle to take one.Surley if people need to champion the cause of a species they should be looking at an estuary fish that fights hard,needs a bit of skill to catch,and a fish that is a lot more under preassure,something like jew or jacks,funny how a big dead jew or jack gets hoisted and barley a cross word is spoken (could have something to do with who's doing the hoisting I 'spose),but string up a plury old lizzard and the world comes to an end.It is the right of the individual wether they keep or release a legal fish,not the want to be's that are looking on.

  9. #24


    1. It DOES say it was caught in the seaway, presumably the GC Seaway, and therefore may have been illegal if caught since the new legislation was put in place, regardless of the condition of the fish. However if a fish seems to be dead or near dead, I can understand the incentive to keep it rather than waste it. One thing is for sure though, if it goes in the esky it will DEFINITELY die!

    2. Banshee: totally agree re the relative lack of fighting ability of a big flatty in DEEP water on heavy gear (ie &gt;8lb braid), but hook that same fish on the flats in 2 feet of water using 4lb braid and you've got another situation altogether!!! They go bloody hard in this situation coz they're so vulnerable and spooked. Not a fish to be scoffed at in this scenario. A big fish on light gear in any species is great in my opinion. I doubt this particular one gave the angler much stick on shark-fishing gear though!

    3. If the fish WAS caught in NSW or before rule changes in QLD then He had every right to keep it.

    4. Agree with sentiments to increase efforts to protect jacks and jewies a lot more mate! Under much more pressure than the humble flattie, that's for sure! Check out my recent reports re. my ethics on these fish.

    5. Great debates on this site are healthy!!!! Keep it constructive though fellas ..... We could learn a lot from observing the manners of Kingtin on this site. He is the epitome of good chat-room manners.

  10. #25


    what are they like to eat at that size? and laredo, there are numerous alternitives to stainless steel hooks, they are kind of a prick of an invention in that the last for so long, it;s not like hooks are that expensive to begin with,

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Aug 2002


    In my neck of the woods the stretch of water beyond the beaches but still inside the training walls is known as the seaway,it is not something that is unique to the gold coast,this fish was caught at Evans Head NSW and was legal.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    5. Great debates on this site are healthy!!!! Keep it constructive though fellas ..... We could learn a lot from observing the manners of Kingtin on this site. He is the epitome of good chat-room manners.

    Your dead set right Franco...

    Debates are worthwhile and need to be kept constructive and Kingtin is a bit of a sage too...expresses his point of view clearly and keeps the issue the issue (does go on about vermin a bit though )



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  13. #28


    caught a flattie a few years ago one a live bait...was a good size and was taken for the eating (before limit sizes were introduced)

    i hooked the flattie in the top lip...however!!!!!!!! had a 2/0 hook hanging half out of its vent(butt/hole..whatever)..the other half was still in the gizzard

    proved to me that day...that even a gut hooked fish can survive if released...although i doubt it would with a 12

    great fish...well caught...if ya wanna keep it...good onya....your choice and dont let anyone else sway your descions long as its legal.

    and try a flattie on fly...bloody great fun

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Aug 2005


    Gee thumps...some fish just don't get it do they...leave the food with hookey things hanging out alone!!! What do they teach them in fish schools????

    Its amazing what they can live with



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member StevenM's Avatar
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    May 2005


    Bloody beast of a fish, how big did she go?

    Cheers Steven


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