Skin, fillet and pectoral fin removal
In relation to fin fish (other than coral reef fin fish) a recreational fisher must not:
* remove the skin from a fish on a boat until the fish is brought to shore;
* bring a fish ashore and remove its skin and return the fish to the boat;
* divide a fish into portions other than in a way that allows an inspector to easily count the number of fish possessed by the fisher; or
* possess a dead Spanish mackerel unless a pectoral fin has been removed from the fish.
In relation to coral reef fin fish a recreational fisher:
* must not possess on board any boat fish taken from a boat other than in one of the following forms - whole, gilled or gutted or filleted;
* may possess on board a boat a fillet of a fish other than a Chinese footballer (blue spot) trout as long as the length of the fillet is at least 40cm, and skin and scales are attached to the fillet;
* must not return fish taken ashore from a boat and filleted and returned to a boat unless the length of the fillet is at least 40cm, and skin and scales are attached to the fillet;
* must not possess a dead coral reef fin fish unless a pectoral fin has been removed from the fish; or
* must not possess a live coral reef fin fish unless the person or fisher intends to immediately return the fish to the sea.