Gidday all,
I haven't fished the Brisbane River for a few years, but would like to rectify that. I understood that there were new security restrictions applying, so I searched the Port of Brisbane web site, finding the following:
Waterside access to operating wharves is restricted to 30 metres from the wharves. If a vessel is alongside a wharf, waterside restricted zones can be activated which restricts access to 30 metres from the outer side of the ship.
Signs warning that a waterside restricted zone may be activated are located on all the wharves at the Port of Brisbane. Unauthorised access to these areas carries a penalty of 50 units (or $3,750). We conduct continued patrols of the port’s waterside area by our patrol vessel, PortWatch 1.
Under no circumstances is fishing allowed under any wharf at the port or within 30 metres of an operating wharf.
My question relates to the last sentence - does anyone know what "any wharf at the port" means? Does this apply to all of the run-down wharves along the river? Are they "at the port"? I wouldn't want to cop a fine greater than the value of my tinny!!