Originally Posted by Jeremy
I would be surprised if you regularly cross bars after making a comment like that Bungie. Is that white side console Bluefin 4.5m yours? Sounds to me like you don't have the experience or knowledge to cross bars in that boat yourself, so you brand anyone that does cross a bar in a tinny as a "bloody idiot".
So because you have the skills to cross the bar, anybody in a 14ft'er can ?? Most 14ft'ers ain't centre console they are tiller steer. with some piss fart little outboard on it. Not the safest unit to play on a bar in.
My unit, nope not a white side console Bluefin 4.5m, its a 17ft fibreglass Brooker with a 150 on the ass, and your right, i dont have the experience or knowledge to cross the bar. But there in lies the scary truth, most people dont have it either. Its those idiots the Government is trying to keep alive.(right or wrong) you wear your seat belt in your car? whats wrong with throwing on a life jacket as you cross the bar ?
I grew up in caloundra, I have seen the Air sea rescue boys go ass up a lot of times on that bar, and they are trained on it, plus a multitude of other boats. how does dad and 3 kids stand a chance ?. And why should dad not be fully responsible for the kids in his care ?
As you now, just because the bar is smooth on the out going trip, doesnt mean it good coming home.
The regs are for open boats were there is usually next to nothing to hold on to, one wrong bounce or roll and you are over the side.