Has anyone really considered the REAL cost of bait.
No, I'm not talking about the $10 - $15 we pay for those inferior blocks of pillies that are so 'melt-in-the-mouth' they almost fall off the hook before they reach the strike zone. I'm talking about the pro-boats that are raping the bait schools, driving the predators that we as recreational (rec) fishermen target to greener pastures, then via a medley of hands- co-ops, wholesalers and retailers- sell them back to us so we may try and catch the predators that are no longer there! Something not quite right in that equation!
I'm a NSW fisherman and apparently the licence fee that has been imposed upon me and my fellow rec. fishos has been used, in a great part, to buy out some commercial fishing licences. I think that's great and I would pay quadruple if the buyout were to continue. Unfortunately, from what I have heard is that many of the ones that were bought out were not really that 'active'.
This is a huge issue that won't be solved in a big hurry but we, as rec. fisherman, can do our bit. Stop buying bait. >As a stout believer of 'match the hatch', that is, find out what the fish are feeding on, catch or collect some then feed it back to them on a hook, I will guarantee you that not only will you immediately catch more quality fish, you will also ultimately do the ocean rapists out of a job and then......the bait schools will return and there will be even more fish for everyone.
Grab a bait jig, a cast net if legal (unfortunately both probably made overseas), dig a few pippis..... heck, if you have kids this might be the most enjoyable part of the whole fishing experience for them and say no to that almost mandatory trip to the servo to pick up bait before you head out.
I apologise to any people that may be affected by the reduction now and in the future of pro- fish licences. I personally have changed careers several times in my life as circumstances have changed and remained flexible enough to accept those changes. Our fish stocks are finite and unless we change our habits and occupations we may all be destined to eating farmed fish from, dare I say, Vietnam. YUK!