we are not trying to be funny ,were serious, though the remedy with the explosives would take up a lot of time to setup. bob h
we are not trying to be funny ,were serious, though the remedy with the explosives would take up a lot of time to setup. bob h
you only have to fish in sight of your pots
check every hour
i lost one yesterday from a dick wad runing over it > and it was up agenst the bank >
Originally Posted by goddy84
should always carry a grapple hook or "gaf on a rope" for such eventualities!
Mate of mine who loves holloween, (always times his trips to the States for end of October) has offered to lend me some real life like looking body parts to stick in a pot or two to see what the reaction might be? Problem is I dont get any knocked off, coz I sit and watch em.
Damn feral that would be interesting, although if your name and adress was on the pots and the right loony pulled it up, you'd have some explaining to do to the boys in blue. I remember a few years back in the wynnum herals it was front page news when some mongrels were pulling peoples pots and they found kittens for bait. Fresh young drowned kittens. This was up lota crek.
I know it's terrible that we have to do this but if you sink them sink them DEEP!!! i was in my usual area on friday and i know that when the tide is at a certain point i can get into and out of this creek with about 40cm to spare. Not on friday there was a aweful crunch!!! Yep some one had sunk there pot right in the middle. Result iv'e got to take a file to my prop( lucky it was staino) there pot was chopped and i was pissed what did i do to deserve the problem,if it had been marked there would have been no issue for me!! >Originally Posted by schrammy79
Ps as far as hooks in the rope i think you could get into alot of trouble with the police setting man traps is illegal what if some one innocently gets snagged in the teather rope and then gets hooked or has his kid try and move the rope out of the way?
PPs. i think just sitting on your pots is the go!!!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
Yep, don't ever let them out of your sight, it is the only way
I got a mate to make up some dummy electronic boards for me, I potted them in resin, bung a fake looking antenna on them and put a ice cream container lid on there with all my details and a comment saying that these traps are fitted with electronic tracking devices, and they still got stolen !
Makes me want to get this mate to make up a GPS based tag that would tell you where your pot was.. hmm, it could be done you know !
If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?
G'day Sanchez.
I had the exact same idea. Some sort of GPS tracking device, ecaptulated in resin and then epoxied onto the rings of the pot. This would work and work well, if only the cost was acceptable. Things can be done in china these days for bugger all ya know. I dont like sitting on my pots and if the time permits will leave them out overnight, i like to move around. These are good ideas and good to see some sensibility here with the whole possibility of man traps wich is not good but, what else can you do? As a last resort say it's private property(wich it is) and it was being interfered with?
i was up in jacky jacky creek in cape york the crocs punctured the floats and
they sank lucky it was low tide when we got back so we could find them.
G'Day all,
I agree that some of these methods are a little extreme. But in other countries they do much worse to thiefs. The other day I seen live video footage of a young boy who was caught stealing and they held him down and run over his arm with a car. That was probably stealing for necessity not for just the greed. I know we live in the lucky country, but we should still have the right to protect what is ours. All thieves should be marked one way or another so that law abidding fishos can still enjoy what they love to do, fish without worrying about the scum lifting their crab pots.
Theives only live because it is illegal to kill them.
HAhahah love the quote nick. Same goes for all crims........
We got the same problem here in bundaberg!! . 3 brand new pots with brand new line and floats. We droped them off @ spot x and we zipped tied the openings. We checked the next morning they were cut to shreds and all the muddies gone!
Edit: Pots stuffed aswell
best bet is a grenade with the rope tied to the pin this will take care of the lot . with all thse wrecks it will make some great fishing .barfly
I like the hooks in the rope! And it works bloody well.
If anyone lifts my pots and gets jagged then as far as I'm concerned they deserve it. And I make sure my name is very clear and legible on every float so they will think twice before lifting another one.
As for the law, aren't we allowed 2 hooks to a line?
"I had bait on two of the hooks officer, and sometimes I fish the pot ropes at various depths, that's why there is a dozen hooks in the rope. But only two were baited".
well get all camed up ,hide in the mangroves with a paint ball gun ,then pop them suckers.....
better yet y dont you get ahold of some of that pink ink that dont wash off like whats in the bank bags , soke the rope in it every 2meters or so it wont wash out .. then if they pull em up they might get the pot but they also get pink for a month ... now if we all did this it wont be long till we spot pot stealer's
Winchester SUPER-X number 4 shot should do the trick nicely. Or a spud gun is just as good. This is not the forum to go into the ins and outs of the making and using of such a device, but I can tell you they are horribly effective. Good luck with it all...