Hi All,
I was just wondering if anyone had any experience rigging for spanish mackeral (boat based or landbased) I was particularly interested in 4 things
1) which type of wire is more appropriate (single vs multi) I've heard conflicting things about it.
2) where do you send the bait? ie. are wide drifts onto the current line in clear conditions better and closer drifts over reef in dirty water? or something else???
3) do they have a tendency to hang midwater? or closer to the surface in low light conditions
4) is moon phase relevant?
last month I fished for them - only for 2 days on a north coast NSW ledge - sending out slime and bully mullet onto the current line rigged on about 40cm of 38lb single strand (didn't get anything though - water was flat and clear as)
I know the season is just about over for them in NSW (besides the odd straggler) but I want to know in advance for next season...
sorry about the 10000 questions!! any comments/experiences will be much appreciated