Can anyone identify this species?
I cant find it in any of my books or on the net.
They are about 35cm long and probably around a kilo.
Caught near Weipa on shallow rocky reef.
Can anyone identify this species?
I cant find it in any of my books or on the net.
They are about 35cm long and probably around a kilo.
Caught near Weipa on shallow rocky reef.
Looks like a netted sweetlip to me - hope you've got a mother in law!
Cheers Freeeedom
Why are you killing & taking the fish if you don't know what they are? Not meaning to be rude, but it's a bit silly....
Well you see I am not a macho man that works on the principle that big fish equals a big man.Originally Posted by Fishin_Dan
Unless its an exceptional species I would imagine that 35cm would be legal.
I am not one of those people who believe that taking only the large breeding females helps to preserve fish stocks.
I can see by you icon that you must be a real big man.
Thanks for your information.
Well you see I am not a macho man that works on the principle that big fish equals a big man.Originally Posted by Panda
Unless its an exceptional species I would imagine that 35cm would be legal.
I am not one of those people who believe that taking only the large breeding females helps to preserve fish stocks.
I can see by you icon that you must be a real big man.
Thanks for your information.
I think Dans trying to say, why would you keep a fish that may be poisonous or protceted?? no need to have a fit buddy.
Mate if it came down to big fish making me a man, then I'm in big trouble! The snapper in my avatar are my best I've caught. That is why they are in there.... One of the fish I chase most are bream, and the day I catch a bream the size of those snaps, then I'll be posting that as my avatar!Originally Posted by Panda
Unless you are just calling me a fat ba$t@rd... In which case, get a life w@nker
What I was trying to say was how do you know the fish wouldn't kill you if you ate it, or if it was a no-take fish & the fisheries pulled you over...
If you want to keep doing it, go for your life. Some people just don't like being helped when their wrong do they...
You're absolutely right Dan, it's foolish to assume you know what the regulations are regarding a particular species when you don't know what that species is. I doubt the QBFP officers would be pleased to hear, "Well, I just assumed..."Originally Posted by Fishin_Dan
Yeah, some women actually know a thing or two about fishing. Who knew?
Quite a lot of species have size limits over the 40cm mark, very foolish indeed. nuff sed.![]()
Panda, I think your response to Dan was uncalled forespecially as he made it explicit that he wasn't trying to be rude.
You stated that they were around 35 cms, if you don't know what they are, they could well be something that has a size limit of 40cms......they may be poisonous or they may even be a no take species such as Chinamen.
"If in doubt......chuck it out" is perhaps what dan is referring to.
Yep, netted sweetlipsOriginally Posted by Freeeedom
Yep, netted sweetlipsOriginally Posted by BobbyJ123
Pretty sure they are not Netted Sweetlip as posted in the link. Spots are very different.
G'day Panda, the link I put up goes on a bit more, click on the photo of the fish and you will see a few different types of the same species.....I think
My advice is to buy yourself a Grants guide to fishes and study it carefully.
IF IN DOUBT- why take it in the first place. Put it back and let it live another day.
Won't elaborate how I feel on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have caught this species before and could not find any ID in the QLD Fisheries website or any ID in any of the books I have as stated.
As stated, I have gone to lengths to ID the species without success. Hence my appeal here.
If they were a restricted species with size limits I am sure the DPI would post it. I therefore dont feel I have to apologize for taking the species.
I ask for information re species identification and I get a reply which offers no help at all but rather implies I might be taking a fish with a restricted size limit and that I am silly. I dont take kindly to such unhelpfull replies which despite the qualifying remark of "not meaning to be rude" was obviously intended to be something of a put down.
Whats the problem of asking for a species ID here when all other available avenues are exhausted. Its not like I was a novice who went out and caught a dozen undersized bream then started asking what they were.
I have been fishing for a hobby for over 40 years and I have a pretty fair idea of whats ethical and whats not re preserving our fish stocks.
All I asked for was an ID ON THE SPECIES. I don't need a lecture on what I should or shouldn't take. I can find that out myself on the DPI website thanks.
So please, don't bother replying if you just want to get up on your high horse and lecture me from the high moral ground from your lounge room.
All I want is a positive ID on what species this is.
Any genuine replies related to the species ID would be appreciated. Thanks.
Gold lined blubber -lip.
thats the fish not you
And Dan WAS trying to be helpful , but you can bet your boots there are people
here who will pause before they offer you assistance again.