Hey, southport bridge, what sort of fish do you catch around there, where else is good around surfers?? rivers and canals
Hey, southport bridge, what sort of fish do you catch around there, where else is good around surfers?? rivers and canals
Originally Posted by brooksey
Hey Brooksey;
The "Southport Bridge" I am assuming you mean The Sundale Bridge which spans the body of water which divides the Nerang river and the broad water yeah?? Well I dont think I have ever seen too much caught off this.. I used to collect some live bait in the cast net off the pontoon beside the boat ramp on the Surfer's side of the bridge - but I have noticed a significant decline in even baitfish over the last couple of years...
The majority of the time when I am cast netting bait fish there are a few anglers there or further around fishing under the bridge (again on Surfer's side) - but I have never seen anyone with anything larger than a *just* keeper bream... The boating traffic through here on a w/end though isnt really condusive to fishing...
I generally use the live bait on an unweighted 2/0 hook out at the spit, basically if you drive straight out Seaworld Drive on the spit you will eventually go past a carpark on the right and a T intersection with the Seaway passage and South Stradie in front of you. There are some fish cleaning tables there too - this is a good spot for live baiting nice squire, big bream at this time of year, flat head, tailor, shovel nose rays / "sharks" etc.
Another fav spot of mine for land based fishing on the Gold Coast is Budd's beach - which is down the side street of the Mobil Service Station in Surfer's Paradise, which takes you to a nice little calm beachy area of the Nerang River. There are lights, taps and pic nic tables and I have caught some lovely flat head here of late. - I dont know the name of the street sorry but its not hard to find or you can do a search for Budd's beach on the net. This is not a spot for swimming though with some serious Bull Sharks being hauled in from here of late..
If you like surf fishing - there is a decent gutter off broadbeach at the moment - about 20m from the beach. If you find First Ave - its about 100m South of the beach access walk way at the end of First Ave. You can see lots of silver in the late afternoon in the water - and there were a couple of older guys catching little chopper tailor and some nice bream there last weekend.
Hope this helps,
thanks heaps for you info, very helpful
i live in surfers so budds beach is only a walk down the road,
im curious about catching bullsharks,
going to get myself some gear to tackle them,
how do you normally chase them, float a bait out or just throw and let it sit the bottom, prob with that is stingrays??
thanks again mate
Ive fished quite a bit around the southport bridge for hardly anything.. Doesnt seem to me as a good spot. I've gotten the odd bream and flathead there but thats a bout it.
If u go under it and keep walking along the walkway there are some sand banks where you can get yabbies from and i have caught some nice whiting around there.
Hope this helps..
Hi there, we used to fish there a bit when we lived down that way, about 3 yrs ago. Night fishing went pretty good because of less noise from cars and boats. Have had good catchs of bream, lizards and a nice hammerhead one night. Go on the side closest to Surfers, and let the bait drift to the pylons with a really light sinker. Like I said this was 3 years ago but its where I started fishing and Im still hooked
hi broksey,
its pretty average fishing there mate
theres a fair few squid, plenty of bream, whiting up abit further, alot of eels, and ive caught a hammerhead there too like Jim. The weirdest thing ive caught there... 2 very small bass on bread whilst i was fishing for bait![]()
Originally Posted by brooksey
Hey Brooksey / AKA Steve;
I have thought about having a go for a bull shark there too... I have done a fair bit of research into the gear required - but to be honest I think there are 100 ways to skin a rabbit and it seems to be the same here. While opinions will vary based on belief and handed down stories - from a $20 hand reel outfit to a $1500.00 game outfit - the literature seems to indicate that even a big hand real with 20 -30lb nylon, enough weight so it sinks but not too much so it wont move along the bottom with the current, a swivel and then a decent length of wire trace (they roll on the line when caught and their skin is sharp / abbrasive against the grain) with a 6/0 hook. Small eels seem to be the favoured bait - but mullet flesh is also commonly used.
I think I would get bored just sitting for hours waiting for a bull shark - but next time we are at budds fishing for lizards and whiting we will probably be trying for a bully on a big hand line (as described) as well and just see how we go.
My mate and I have also seen bull shark fisherman fishing in the river / creek thing behind the Gold Coast Entertainment place where you can play black jack (not permitted to say name on here) one night we were "walking" home and told us they regularly have success...
As a kid / teenager I lived in Paradise point - and we used to swim in those cannals all the time - and now the council puts warnings on the rates notices about not swimming in there - which is pretty scarey! Bond uni lakes is another place - a man was eaten in there a few years back swimming (forget exact details but you could do a search for it I am sure and find out exactly where)..
Good luck with it and make sure you let me know how you go!
hey brad,
thanks mate, very helpful,
next time you go down budd's leave us a msg, might come down and see how your going and if your having any luck, would be good to see a local fishing around here for once
cheers again