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Thread: Christened the new boat

  1. #1

    Christened the new boat


    went out off Gold coast yesterday for first offshore run and got into a heap of good tailor just after sunrise and got blood all over the boat,
    Then went out a bit for a couple of hours and no joy so came back in to the broadwater to have a go at some flathead and bream. found a nice spot inside a sandbank with a bit of a dropoff and outgoing tide, after about 15 mins i thought I would retrieve my line and check my bait and half way in WHACK, got slammed by a nice 50cm Lizard, first for the boat and a PB for myself. Bait was a fresh chunk of slimy mackeral (caught earlier that morning for livey's.) Also hooked 35+cm Bream but spat the hook as i lifted him out of the water, Bugger , will use the net next time, was a bit excited. Was a very good first trip in my new boat, I'm wrapped
    Here's a pic of flathead

  2. #2

    Re: Christened the new boat

    Nice Day for it

  3. #3

    Re: Christened the new boat


    Bugga - some of us had to work mate . Nice motor choice - what's it bolted to ?


  4. #4

    Re: Christened the new boat

    great day mate

  5. #5

    Re: Christened the new boat

    It's Bolted to this.
    Yalta 535

  6. #6

    Re: Christened the new boat

    Nice looking rig mate [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

  7. #7

    Re: Christened the new boat

    very nice rig, wish I was out their mixing it up,congrats on your 50cm lizard I hope to get one that size soon.

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