I pride myself on being quite an accomplished yabbie pumper. It is one of the very few things piscatorial that I seem to do well. However, after the yabbie is on the hook, then everything seems to go pear shaped on me. I'm not too proud to admit to a lack of prowess and/or skill, but that is not the reason for this post.
When we were pumping at spot X in the Clarence last trip to Iluka, I noticed a strange thing. We always remove the very large claw that some yabbies have before we put them in the bucket, so they don't harm each other.
I said to Dave: "Some of these yabbies have the big claw on their left hand side, and others have it on the right hand side". Now Dave has to put up with a lot with me, and he really thought I'd lost it big time, but when I showed him, he realised that I had a point. Some actually do have the big claw on their right side and others have it on their left side.
I was wondering if anybody else has noticed this. I mean, it's probably no big deal, but there might be somebody out there from the DPI Fisheries or somewhere who might be able to answer this for me.
I'm not having a lend of anyone. Have a look the next time you're pumping (yabbies that is).