After looking at everyone’s answers, I spent a bit of time thinking about what I could be doing wrong and I think as a number of you pointed out, my approach to the target species needs a bit of work.
I was fishing the top of the high tide at a spot I like on some sandbanks near Deepwater Bend. I had planned to target flatties with plastics using another rig with mullet strips as a side bet for bream. The flounder I mentioned in the previous post fell to the mullet strips. The plastics didn’t get a single nudge.
So, after thinking about it, it dawned on me. Top of the high tide is not exactly a prime time to be chasing flatties on plastics as there is no run off from the sand banks to concentrate prey. In the same way, while top of the high is a good time for bream, sand banks don’t have much structure and it’s not likely that there will be many bream congregating in such a spot.
So that’s what I thought I was doing wrong. I’m still curious as to why so many others also had a slow day.