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Thread: Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon

  1. #1

    Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon

    Had some early morning frustrations in Townsville. Watched as salmon carved up bait very close to rocks. Threw in half a mullet on 3/0 hook.

    After a while......BANG!!!...............Great fight for about 2 min and then snap. Had 30 lb braid with 30 lb nylon leader.

    Do I need a wire trace for these fish.??????????Great fighters...........



  2. #2

    Re: Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon

    Krazi , no need for wire, caught hundreds up to 15 kg for threadies on 80 lb jinkai, Leaders 600 mm long though, Make sure you keep an eye on the leader for wear , shorten as it gets a bit rough, salmon have very abrasive mouths.
    Try slices of boney bream ( from wa not sure what they are called in qld)
    Cast bait in and bounce your retreive back in slowly.
    Salmon feed with sensors/whiskers finding the bait , thus the bounce retreive. Sounds like great fun , good luck....

  3. #3

    Re: Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon

    Thanks for that,

    I do not like to use wire, however, I will try some 80lb nylon.



  4. #4

    Re: Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon

    No wire. What sort of leader? I've used 45lb super schneider without any problems.

  5. #5

    Re: Wire for Threadfin/blue salmon


    NO WIRE..................I will load up with 80lb nylon for leader material and see how I go. In the same area I fish there is also the occasional Mangrove Jack or Fingermark, and because of this the drag is usually set quite tight to avoid being busted off in a second.

    Just keep plugging away and will forget about a wire leader


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