Around Brisbane, Gold Coast?
Around Brisbane, Gold Coast?
Most certainly you can, but like anything, only take what you can use in a session, and don't transport off the beach. They reckon that diseases are spread from one pipi colony to another by fishos who decide to take them, then return unused pipi's to a different location.
Have not tried to catch them recently so I can't say which beaches on the gold coast are producing at the moment
fresh pipis are too good for bait put them into bucket fresh water so they spit sand out then steam till shell opens remove pipis place in bowl of vinigar salt and pepper enjoy in nz we have lots and this is our favorite way cheers
You can if you can find them. Dunno that there are a lot left on Gold Coast beaches. I think there is also a limit on how many you can take.
You can certainly collect pipis and there isn't a legal size but there is a take / possesion limit of 50 (in QLD).
plenty on bribie
That's exactly what I was thinking, steamed rather than bait :-) I grew up on the east coast of the USA where we used to dig clams. We also used to gather our own mussels and oysters.
If I was to look for pipis, what would be a the type of area to be searching, and how do you dig them out? Thanks alot for the info!
You have never observed the pipi shuffle?? Man, you haven't lived!!!Originally Posted by onionpants
Best time is low tide, and when standing on the beach, wade out ankle deep as the waves rush past you. As the water digs the sand from under your feet, you will feel the pipis under you toes. The "pipi shuffle" is when you move your feet up and down as if walking on the spot, aggetating the sand under your toes to dig a little faster.
On some beaches, as the water has receeded with the outgoing tide, you will see small mounds of beach sand which are slightly raised, about the size of a 50c coin, without water passing over it, but still moist. Dig here, only about 4 - 5cm deep. On Fraser Island, as 4wd's compact the sand, they are even easier to find by looking for the mounds of sand. The best I have ever experienced was in shark bay, NSW. A couple of waves brought thousands in, and they were literally stacking on top of each other. No need to dig for them on that occasion.
If you get over to North Straddie,on main beach, mostly south of the causeway at low tide.
There is so many of them its like driving on a gravel road.
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
As usual, different state, different rules,
I believe in NSW you cant take a pipi more than 50 mtrs from the surf.
Can another southerner confirm that??
Not sure how many in possesion.
Last I heard that was the case Muzz,I think there was a spate of poisoning a while back on quite a few beaches and this rule was bought in to stop people eating them.
Cheers Pat,
I remember the poisoning spate, I tried them as a kid, but havn't been that keen since.