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Thread: Landbased Maroochydore

  1. #1

    Landbased Maroochydore

    While the boat is in the shop, I'll be heading to Maroochydore for a visit and a quick fish with the family. As I've never been up that way, I was calling upon any info about where and what I'm best to chase.
    Thanks in advance, Gay

  2. #2

    Re: Landbased Maroochydore

    Maybe get up around the mouth and fish the surf ? They are supposedly getting some good whiting.

  3. #3

    Re: Landbased Maroochydore

    there is a small jetty next 2 the pub on douporth ave. i got sum bream and a nice whitting on the weekend. look out 4 happy moments as 4 sum reason they get big there <nearly rip your rod out of ya hand> dont let them spike u.
    figjam :wink:

  4. #4

    Re: Landbased Maroochydore

    Good spots to try are the river mouth either side is fine although there is some structure available on the north side which may hold bigger fish, you can also try chambers island which does hold some decent flatties, the black banks which you can access from the end Nojoor road which is good for whiting and any of the spots along oyster bank road for flatties etc. Fishing under the motorway bridge may also be an option.

    good luck

  5. #5

    Re: Landbased Maroochydore

    Looks to me you like yabbies more .. 'I Like Fish'

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