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Canal conundrum
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Thread: Canal conundrum

  1. #1

    Canal conundrum

    Hey fellas,
    was fishing the canal near my mum's joint and twice I got a big hit which disappeared really quickly, both times I brought the SP in and not a tooth mark on it, only a rip where the hook had been forced against the plastic. Any ideas what might have done this? My first thought was flathead, but normally with a strike they at least get a bit of teeth to it don't they? Your thoughts fellas?
    Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill

  2. #2

    Re: Canal conundrum

    Hi Joel,

    I dont fish with soft plastic but i do fish in the canals as often as i can, normally at least two or three times a week.

    Could it be a Jew fish?

    I have never caught one of these crafty buggers and dont know much about them but on the weekend i did loads of exploring and fishing areas i have never tried before in the canal system. It was extremely successful and while looking down from a bridge i saw for the first time a school of Gar fish and below the Gar fish was a big fish which i am positive was a Jew. Not sure on the exact size but it would have been about 60-70cm plus. It was the mid afternoon and the tide was going out, well at least i think it was.

    This fish was hunting the Gars, i dont know for sure that it was a Jew but from where i was it looked just like one. But as to wether they chomp plastic, no idea?

    Or maybe a big Bream. I caught two nice size Bream last weekend and they both had decent choppers on them. When they get large Bream have a mean set of teeth, wouldnt want my finger to get too close.

    Anyway, if your getting chopped up you cant be too far away from nailing one so i think its a really good sign. Maybe play around with your hook sizes or hook gaps and see if it makes any difference.
    No doubt with persistance you will catch what ever it is that is doing the damage and then all will be revealed. Thats what i love about fishing, you never know whats going to hit your hook next......................

    Oh, did you consider a Mangrove Jack?

    They will do it to you as well but i have never caught one in the canal system.

  3. #3

    Re: Canal conundrum

    hi mate
    dont know what species you get there but have had same style takes from tarpon on 3 inch sps
    good luck catchin whatever it is , you could try droping the rod tip (giving it line) before striking some fish like to bash the bait before taking it , mullet will do this with glowing baits or beads

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Canal conundrum

    in addition to the species mentioned - trevally will also take and hold, but not swallow. I had a great session up at noosa. Plenty of hits (~100), and the takers were big eye trevally and 50+ cm flathead. They didn't do too much damage except for a few unstoppables that took the whole lot. For these I knew they were larger flathead as they either came to surface and shook their head or I could see them cruise by.

  5. #5

    Re: Canal conundrum

    Which canals are these ?

    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  6. #6

    Re: Canal conundrum

    Cheers for the info fellas, I had something similar happen yesterday three times and I ended up bringing in a fairly big moses perch, he was nearly 30cm long. Maybe he was the culprit, or maybe he was just the unlucky sod who actually got hooked, but he did put up quite a good fight for his size. I'll just keep trying. and hopefully I'll get one of those jew, geez that would be fun.
    Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill

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