hey all

just got back from holidays in Bundaberg. I packed my rods not thinking i would be going fishing.. but i packed them anyway! I got offered for me and my brother to go fishing in some creek place at coral cove ( a place just past bundaberg) So i went and bought bait (chook gut and worms) and off i heaed. The first day all up we caught 10 fish ( moses perch, cod, and bream) all of them were under 20cm i might add. The next day we used sand worms and caught 2 moses perch. (both under 20cm) we got home and i was so itchy and i looked at my arms and legs and saw heaps of midgie bites so i counted them all up 72 bites to be exact.

But hey it was still fun and "an experience of a life time"
cheers mickeymoo