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Inconsiderate jetski riders - Page 3
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Thread: Inconsiderate jetski riders

  1. #31

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders


    I can't agree more, there are idiots all all the camps.
    It just seems that the jet skiers account for more idiots than the others.

    Just for the record, i do know a jet skier that is a great bloke and he shows consideration for others on the water, wish all jet skiers were the same.

    Are you a jet ski owner?


  2. #32
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    No john...I am not a jet ski owner and to be honest..I have had more problems down the Pin area with people in small tinnies than any jet skis.

  3. #33

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    Pinhead, you are right mate, there are inconsiderate idiots in all the different sports. I once got a half tinnie full of water from a desk jockey driving his 50 foot battle cruiser on the Coomera. The 5 foot tsunami bow wave was to much for my poor litte tinnie anchored quietly at the edge of the river, way out of the way of everybody and the main channel but only 20 meters from where this idiot wanted to barge through. I would have murdered the prick if I could have got the motor going. (it got drowned as well). Sad thing but what do u do. Is there any answer.


  4. #34
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    Great story, but have to agree with Pinhead, there are alway a few from all walks of lfe that make the rest look bad, but with jetskiers it seems as tho the percentage is a tad (should say lots ) higher.
    Cheers Ian

  5. #35

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    I have been boating since I was in nappies; everything from 12ft tinnies to my parent's 43ft Stebber. I also happen to own / ride / race a jet ski. I think the unfounded broad grouping of "jet skiers are pricks" is not indifferent to racism in many ways..

    There are good and bad in all creeds / races - and the same with jet skiers. I can recount many many stories of kayakers paddling abreast in narrow channels, or unlight tinnies in the Gold Coast Broadwater / Nerang River. Large private cruisers boaring past us within 15m creating hudge wake with the whole broad water to use... But as I have a brain, I can discriminate the bad eggs from the good eggs and realise it is the person at the helm, not the type of craft that is at fault.

    A story from the other perspective; Last Easter I had a ###### throw snapper lead at me on my jet ski from the rock wall at the mouth of the Noosa River. Now this is a narrow channel and I was going slow so the chances of hitting me was high.. and the potential danger / risk if it did hit me - or worse my nephew - well I dont need to spell it out. I also had my 8 year old nephew on board with me.... We were not freestyling or being inconsiderate... but merely taking him out to the mouth for a look around.

    I dont go and label all fisherman as "uneducated wankers". I didnt throw golf balls at him or reduce myself to his level... I simply called the police and waited from a safe distance until the police arrived and I then motored in to ID him. Same as anyone else can do if you see a jet ski breaking the law. Call the water police We now have 100mm high rego numbers so it is easy to ID a jet ski even at speed from a reasonable distance.

    Speaking of irresponsible fisherfolk, I dont think pple in glass houses should throw stones. My last trip on the bay baoting / fishing - I was embarrassed and appauled at the copious amount of fishing line, bait and plastic bags, old crab pots and general fishing related refuse washed up on the foreshores! Again, its only the minority - but we wouldnt like it if we as responsible fisherfolk were all painted with the same black brush.

  6. #36

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    shes lucky not to be in jail...

  7. #37
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    How do you come to that conclusion Gbanger. Last time I looked, there was no statute stating that you could not practice golf while fishing, just because somebody got hit in the head does not make it a jailing offence. Happens everyday on golf coarses around the world and nobody goes to jail then.
    What I omitted to put in the story was the fact that the idiot while being so rude and such a prick was the fact that he actually told her to go and play golf or something and to leave the river for his sport. He just happened to pick on the wrong lady in the wrong way. She could play golf and happened to have the clubs in her car. All she did was treat him with the same lack of respect that he showed her. Had he stayed away, he would never have been hit. He was being a totally inconsiderate smart arse and he got exactly what he asked for, a lesson on how others should be respected and a bit of a lump on the head to boot. But that does not mean she was right or that similar actions should be encouraged but also, it is not a jailing offence. Most ski riders are sensible and act accordingly with due consideration of others, just like most fisherfolk, it is the stupid actions of a few that brings on intolerance of all skiers in general which is a shame.

  8. #38

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    only just got back to this gumtree, but im pretty sure its an offense to try and hit people with golf balls... its not an offense to drive a car, but if you line up people crossing the street, i think youll find yourself in hot water..

    if you kill someone with a golf ball, away from a golf course, im pretty sure itd be manslaughter..

  9. #39

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    How do you come to that conclusion Gbanger. Last time I looked, there was no statute stating that you could not practice golf while fishing, just because somebody got hit in the head does not make it a jailing offence. Happens everyday on golf coarses around the world and nobody goes to jail then. If that bloke died or was hospitalised, and someone had witnessed that incident, I am quite certain that lady could easily be charged/jailed.

    I agree that there are many inconsiderate jetskiers, and boaties out there... but I dont think that people should take things in their own hands and result to violence. Too often on the broadwater will I see jetskiers weaving in and out of other vessels and running meters from fishing lines of other boats and also running bloody to close to people swimming, I feel it is almost liked legalised hooning... you cant get away with that on a main road!

    It is just a matter of time until new speed restrictions are introduced or other forms of legislation is introduced to ensure the safety and enjoyment of other water users ... I know many considerate jetskiers, and its unfortunate that they are frowned upon due to the small minority of bloody idiots.


  10. #40

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    The influx has been happening for a few years now. Can't you see the attraction? Off the more heavily policed streets and onto a big liquid racetrack with no lanes, no red light/speed cameras, no street signs, no brakes, no rear vision mirrors and a couple of water police to keep an eye on the entire Broadwater, Nerang, Pin, Coomera, Pimpama river area for example (and the boats are tied up at the base half the time)

    Someone needs to build a bloody big swimming pool for them all to do circles in ....... round & round & round they go! What fun!

    Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds

    • 469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
    • 50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
    • Heaps of extras, in top condition

  11. #41

    Re: Inconsiderate jetski riders

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    Still no sympathy from me boys..............karma catches up with everyone and i reckon from my observations those Jet Skiers still have plenty of the bad stuff coming their way.

    Are you sure they dont give them a half lobotomy when they hand out the Jet Ski license? Could explain things...........................

    I hear what your saying and do agree that generalising is never a good thing but, there is no smoke without fire!!!

    If the majority of these Jet Skiers behaved like gentlemen, i'm sure us fishing folk would be the first to sing there praises but, i have a felling i wont need to loosen up the vocal chords any time soon.

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