Failure to remove fish fins will cost
News release | 04 October, 2006
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries officers will issue fines - not cautions - to recreational fishers who catch and keep coral reef fin fish or Spanish mackerel and then fail to remove a pectoral fin.
DPI&F Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol senior field officer Graham Shield, who undertook an eight day surveillance patrol aboard the Gladstone-based 24 metre offshore patrol vessel K I Ross last week, said the message relating to the removal of the pectoral fin was just not getting through.
The pectoral fin removal legislation was introduced in December 2003 to deter the unregulated black market sales of coral reef fin fish and Spanish mackerel onto the open market by unlicensed recreational anglers.
Mr Shield said the K I Ross crew inspected 183 vessels on the surveillance patrol that included the Capricorn Bunker Island Group south to Hervey Bay and found 95 per cent of anglers with reef fish in their possession on board their boats had not removed the pectoral fin.
"It is now close to three years since the Fisheries legislation was enacted so our officers will be issuing pectoral fin infringement notices that range from $150 for one fish up to $375 for four fish," Mr Shield said.
"Failure to remove the pectoral fin of more than four fish can result in a Magistrate's Court appearance."
Mr Shield said the excellent weather during the September school holiday break had attracted many boating families onto the water and they had ventured further out to sea than they normally would.
"As a follow-up to the inspections of these recreational vessels which were up to 50 nautical miles offshore, our field officers issued 15 infringement notices for non-compliance with boating safety equipment regulations," Mr Shield said.
"Most breaches related to lack of Personal Floatation Devices (lifejackets), out-of-date flares and failure to carry an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) in open waters.
"This is disappointing considering the consequences for these families if the safety equipment is to be used in an emergency situation."
Mr Shield said six on-the-spot fines were issued for the possession of undersize fish and investigations into a Green Zone fishing breach was continuing.