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Balloons and Turtles - is there a better option?
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Thread: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better option?

  1. #1

    Balloons and Turtles - is there a better option?

    I was just wondering if there was an alternative to using balloons as floats. I personally don't target sharks and to tell you the truth, they bore the crap out of me and can be frustrating when reef fishing - but this is very much a personal opinion.

    I do however have mates who target sharks and pelagics using the balloon float method.

    My concern is that when these balloons burst, they generally float off in pieces and are a prime source of "food" for turtles. The reason this was sparked is that I have often wondered if there is an issue with using balloons but after watching a segment on dead turtles in Moreton Bay, most being found with 3/4 of their stomach content with rubbish in the form of pieces of plastic bag, tongs, plastic bottle caps and of course pieces of balloon. They basically prevent the turtles from digesting food and they are basically starved and poisoned (build up of gases) to death .

    Is there a substitute to using balloons and if so, why aren't they promoted more???

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I agree, it tends to be a bit hipocritical when fishos are all for our waterways and the environment and yet they use these forms of fishing which kill parts of the eco system, although indirectly..

    What about small foam floats, i think one could be attached via a floating line using 1 swivel on each end connected to the leader below the swivel.. somehow it could be clipped in place or something or even made so it could be a full floating set up??? and be reusable? I am sure i could make a prototype and take some photos to post... actually i will have a crack tonight



  3. #3

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I use both balloons and break away pieces of polystyrene as floats. I think the balloons are more eco-friendly than the polystyrene.

    Just remember tho, fishers will never ever use as many balloons as what would be released at one NRL or AFL grand final or any other major event. Where do they all go?

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I also use polystyrene floats which break off when a fish is hooked.Is this bad for sea life.?What are the alternatives?

  5. #5

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    Aqua Gem would be the way to go. I don't know what they cost or who stocks them but I have seen them on a web site.

    Here is the address

    The guy whos site it is seems to think they are pretty good.


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  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I use balloons everynow and again, howver will only use biodergardable ones

    waiting to see that prototype

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    Jeremy is right.
    But where is the EPA or even the police when major littering like the release of 1000's of balloons is concerned.

    If the public knew that each balloon is a potential turtle killer the practice of letting thousands go would be dead.

    While were on this note should we mention the "L" word.
    Although lead is a natural element if a fish swallows it does it tem enter the food chain?
    Is it true the yanks banned the use of lead years ago?

    What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Apr 2004

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    great point jeremy - couldn't agree with you more! i used to use them when sharking, but now i find i get more hook ups fishing the bottom anyway! especially in warmer waters. the shark'll find your bait if she's feeding regardless of its position. sharks bore you??? dunno how such a machine could bore anyone. i can understand them being pests whilst targeting pelagics though.


  9. #9

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    Thanks for all your views and suggestions.

    Jeremy, I take your point and agree 100%. I do still feel that if there is a cost effective alternative, that we as ethical fishermen should try and adopt it. The release of thousands of balloons has never crossed my mind but I'm sure hundreds would eventually end up at sea or down storm waters and end up in the Bay as well. I will email EPA, local government assoc etc and find out if they have considered the environmental impact.
    Aquagem sounds like the go but at $17US - The good thing is they are reusable. I don't know how many fishermen will be willing to pay that much when you can get a few thousand balloons for the same price - unless someone out there is willing to duplicate it - "Dans the Man" I reckon .

    SgBfish - There are lead free sinkers (usually painted fluorescent) available but they are not cheap (mind you, neither are snapper leads). I did see a guy using river pebbles a while back. He found ones that were very smooth and quite heavy for there size and would just drill a hole in the end. The smoothness helps them bounce over reefs and is less likely to get snagged. I'm sure Bunnings sell 20kg bags for about $20 which works out a lot cheaper then buying them and I'm sure you could source them cheaper.

    Krazi-kev - where do you source your biodegradable ones from and are they much more expensive then normal party balloons??


  10. #10

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    what about cats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    eco friendly,,,,,and wont hurt turtles
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Mar 2005

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I thought the release of 1000's of balloons had been band in australia and alot of other countries, i may be wrong though.

  12. #12

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I remember they used to do charity things like 1000 balloons and every kid gets one with a return to sender tag on it, they release in to the coastal winds on purpose to see how far each balloon will go in the world. So in theory some kid in 3rd world country goes Ooooh look, Jimmy from Australia wants me to mail this back to him OOooh how wonderful.

    When in actualy fact we are just polluting someone elses waters with our 'good thoughts'. Especially true to those countries who constantly get flotsam wash up on their shores from the winds and currents. Oooh look a softdrink bottle from the USA, Car headlight from Malaysia, 300 half assed balloons from australia, how wonderful NOT!
    You say fish, I say yes please.

  13. #13

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    On the lead thing, lead sinkers were banned for freshwater fishing in the UK about 20 years ago.

    They found swans and other waterbirds were eating loads of the little lead split shot and dying of lead poisoning.

    So they brought in a new lead-free type which was otherwise totallly the same, just a little softer. Don't know what it was made of.

  14. #14

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    Quote Originally Posted by were-trout
    On the lead thing, lead sinkers were banned for freshwater fishing in the UK about 20 years ago.

    They found swans and other waterbirds were eating loads of the little lead split shot and dying of lead poisoning.

    So they brought in a new lead-free type which was otherwise totallly the same, just a little softer. Don't know what it was made of.

    Probably better off not knowing that one.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Balloons and Turtles - is there a better optio

    I have often thought about this myself. The way I do it now is tie the balloon around the line. When I get a fish on the balloon busts, and I still have the balloon attached to my line, so it does not drift off.

    Important to use cheap balloons or old ones. If the balloon is to strong it does not bust early. This does worry me, but I always fish 8 kg and have caught many longtail and cobia between 20 and 30kgs and never lost a fish because the balloon did not break.

    After fish is landed I cut the balloon off the line and put in bin

    I love the idea of a bio degradable float though. Maybe we could use an apple or a coconut instead.

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