PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Spinning for Tailor? - Page 5
thanks heaps for the inspiration!! ive always wanted to catch SOMETHING on metal slugs (other than pike!! )
being not very experienced with beach fishing ,locating a school is always difficult!! do you think i could fish with bait then when i find a few break out the slugs???? or do you think that casting metal is just as easy a way of finding them??
Wire is pretty well a must with the sliders on mackerel and tailor Nico. Short trace of 150mm for mackerel and 350 - 400mm for tailor. Mono will be fine on everything else.
Dan, when I was a kid, we'd fish with pilchards - take a dozen or so and walk from Teewah to a nearby hole or gutter. If we ran out of pilchards then the tailor would be there and we'd have a choice of tailor flesh or slugs to keep fishing with. Both would come into play but in essence this is when I found that spinners could work really well. Then I found out if you spin them over rocks then there is a whole new world of fishing that I didn't know existed, with species that we'd never struck on baits. So I would suggest continuing with baits and experiment with spinners as much as possible. You do need to be confident that what you are doing is correct or the tendency is for guys to hang up the spinning gear and go back to what they know. But if you see a gutter full of rock then spin some slugs over them and see what happens. Or if you see a school of boiling pelagics in range ....... sooner or later you have to strike fish.
Plenty of choppers along the beach today by the way on sliders and I notice a couple of gutters full of dart, bream and tarwhine. Eugarie numbers are improving steadily along the beach. Makerel are in numbers around Inskip and within range from the shore at times I would say and will arrive here in the next couple of weeks.
hi all
nico ,prickly pete (whomever he maybe?) is right , have fished plain lead slugs most of the year for a variety of brittish toothy critters , usualy cause the holographic tape has been chewed off ,
must admit i put the tape on mine cause they sell better with it on , most customers lose em in the snags b4 they lose the tape off em so they dont get to know theres little difference
slider just wondering if you get much on small slugs , have packed a load of small ones 7gram to 30g for up coming trip
p.s nico its the soot/ carbon you want to get on the wire not the wax of the candle
has any body tried using a split ring chain at the back of the slug??
correct me if im wrong but the way tailor throw the hooks is use the lure for leverage on the outside of their mouth and water pressure!! if the hooks anchor point at the rear were extremely flexible the amount of leverage created by the lure would be greatly reduced and almost have the same effect as a sliding lure!!! ive seen this technique used with great success on poppers!! more hits materialise into hookups and the number of dropped fish go way down!!
thanks fish outta water , i was wondering that because when we used the wax it came out threw the lead so did the grease . brandon h got a ok size dart with 2 single hooks facing each other instead of useing a treble .
chuckle bet that put some smoke out
if you can get an electric source to heat your lead slowly , i just use a small sauce pan on belling stove top in shed. when lead gets over a certain temp (cant remember exactly) it gives of more vapour , this is what buggers your health . symtoms include wilting of the pecker so its not to be messed with
the fish will come
Dan, I don't think that would solve the problem anywhere near as well as allowing the slug to slide 300+mm away from the hooks. It's not water pressure assisting as mostly the fish are airborne when they throw the slug. And I don't see a lot a value in trying to replicate a sliding lure when you can use a sliding lure that we know works in this regard. Sliding poppers are simply great items - no leverage and can usually recover the popper after bust ups as there are no hooks attached and they float to the surface after bust ups. Handy on Weipa Gts.
Nico, I firmly believe that the opposite facing singles will out perform trebles when targeting tailor in particular. I still use trebles at times on mackerel and tuna but only if I haven't appropriate sized singles in the box at the time to keep the profile in proportion.
Fow, I do use my 25g a lot in certain situations and think that this size is a terrific slug. Being of lead manufacture it is small but heavy and replicates whitebait very well. Haven't had to go smaller yet on species other than mac tuna which I tend not to worry about anyway. So are the slugs you make on the shelves fow?
hi slider
yeh had a few on the shelves in local shops , shops arent keen to push em as they earn more on the chinese ones . so much for suppoorting locals
sell a lot more through mates and word of mouth , only sold couple hundred all year , that and some feathers and jig heads . nearly paid for my ticket out to oz though! so not a waste of time by any means , will try online sales next year ,
just wondering where i can get some of your sliders when i get over ,sell any round yamba way ?
think ill be losing more than normal fishing unknown waters cant get anymore slugs in backpack though
p.s be wary if using vmc trebles people , have had loads pull straight this year , not the former standard , less they selling all there crap to the pomme market
25lb is too heavy.
With that size rod you are using if redeuce your line size and use 65grms you gain soooo much more distance... which is good, because more often than not sitting outside a school of tailor are macks and tuna... food for thought...
Which leads me to the next debate ... SINGLE HOOK OR TREBBLE?
use single strand nickle trace, also take some 40grm raiders if the bait is small then all you have to do is put in some elbow greese and let that 5.8:1 gear ratio tss4 do all the work..
Would rekomend going to your tackle stroe and ordering a spare spool for it
I finally managed to grab a couple of sliders. Can someone (Lindsay?) please let me know how to rig them... do I tie the hook straight to the bottom of the trace, or should I use a split ring or swivel and the hooks from there? I was also thinking of using 2 hooks facing one another - would that be better than one or not worth it?
Sorry for the questions, the photo's from the original thread have disappeared, so I can't have a stick-beak at them
Mike, short of reposting photos - opposite facing singles crimped below the slug are the go - a single hook will cause the slug to be unbalanced and tumble on the cast. No need for split rings or a swivel below the slug, just a swivel at the top of a 350mm + wire trace. If targetting fish other than mackerel or tailor then either tie or crimp your hooks to the leader and join to your main line with a double blood or uni knot or similar. Tying opp facing singles isn't ideal (hooks don't sit straight)unless using a perfection loop and crimping is probably better unless using a treble which can be tied but also becomes 'lopsided' and regularly requires readjustment prior to casting. I would recommend a crimp.
Rando, as I don't seem to be able to send pms - I'm using a double blood (2 normal blood knots back to back) with low poundage monos and don't notice that it is there at all and rarely does it fail unless the line is getting old. And mate, I'm having a great time at BCF - we've a good crew of caring people and happy customers which certainly helps the enjoyment factor.
Lindsay, Gidday mate. Was beginning to think we wouldn't hear from you again now that you are out there making an honest quid. Was just talking to Craig about you today and suggesting it was about time we headed to Double Island for a fish. How are things up that way at the moment. Craig was saying that your Sliders were available at Carseldine now. Maybe he will replace the ones he has lost out of my stash.
Regards Darryl
since the schoolies we have got more dart on them , my young fella got a slimmy mack on one of the smaller ones and i lost a long fin tuna out off scarbrough the other week ,