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Spinning for Tailor?
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Thread: Spinning for Tailor?

  1. #1

    Spinning for Tailor?

    Hey, i am would like to have a crack at spinning for tailor.

    I have a TSS4 with 25lb mono that i can put on an array of wilson live fibre surf rods from 12' to 13'6" that are rated to about 10kg i think. Would this be suitable for this type of fishing?

    Next what lures are the best choice and in what sizes ?

    And last of all how do you pick the right spot at the beach to fish from ?

  2. #2

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    yes it'll do personally i use an 11 1/2 footer for spinning - no leader but a snap swivel

    raiders 65g or the next size up with a blue stripe & wrap a piece of red insulating taper around the "head of the lure"

    any water that has a clean entrance tailor do not like sand in their gills. I have spun daytime tailor on flat banks with no foam.

    If the first couple of casts don't work make the third flat out creating a lot of noise on the surface. You'll be surprised how it can make it come alive. We have brought tailor schools inside a gutter when they have been working outside by "advertising" like that.

    When the water is warmer use a slower retrieve with a lot of drop backs, in the middle of winter flat out works best (not flat out of a tss4 though just fast). A cast parallel to the shore dump can be a good tactic too.


  3. #3

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    ... oh yeah change the trable for a set of opposing 4/0s (i use gamakatsu saltwater fly hooks)

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    I think you would find the 25lb mono to be too heavy to achieve suitable distance on the cast. I use 4kg with 11/2 rod lengths of between 18 - 22lb mono tied to the 4kg base line. Never braid. This allows for excellent distance (big tailor are more often than not further out than choppers) and for strength where the line releases from my finger and rod tip to avoid throwing lures off. Have caught many 10lb + tailor with this set up. Alternatively to avoid knots, you can use 12lb to 15lb mono base and tie the lure straight on. 12lb will struggle with anything over 65grams of weight in the lure but I haven't found the necessity yet to use anything over 65g.
    My favourite lure for tailor is a 45gram slider - which is a lure I make myself. I also have in the box other sizes but find this size to be a comfortable weight to cast, retrieve and for balance overall with my equipment. These slugs slide up the wire trace when the tailor leap and headshake and takes all the leverage out that they achieve when the hooks are attached to a weighty slug.(they have a hole through the middle like a sinker) The slug isn't flying backwards and forth every time the fish headshakes which with big tailor is often and violent. I became really frustrated with dropping larger tailor consistently (and choppers) about 7 - 8years ago and heard about the sliding concept so we made some up and haven't looked back. Has changed my tailor fishing altogether as far as not dropping big tailor and being able to keep schools of choppers on the chew for much longer as they aren't spooking due to fish being dropped. I try to avoid spinning beside guys using normal slugs as their dropped tailor spook the same fish I'm chasing. My first cast with a slider at Rainbow turned into a 4.5kg tailor after a mate and I dropped about 8 similar sized fish to headshake using other attached hook lures. I use for big tailor 2 x 5'0 hooks back to back and 4'0s for choppers or if a strong onshore wind is creating too much drag with the 5'0s.
    Unlike Chris, I have found that north bound migrating tailor (May - November - Noosa) that are heavy with roe prefer a slower lure or drop backs as Chris calls them from reasonably high speed and southbound fish (Dec - April at Noosa) prefer it full tilt on a TSS-4. Certainly big tailor (5lb +) prefer the speed with drop backs during spawning migrations. Stopping the lure on the edge of the gutter accounts for probably 30% of choppers I catch.
    I have been amazed at how many big tailor we have taken during the day and now don't use baits at all after growing up at Teewah using alveys and bait through the seventies and eighties. I can honestly say that I get much better tailor with lures now than I did with baits 25 years ago. Not to mention the tuna, mackerel, trevally, queenfish, tarpon and salmon that I often get from the beach.
    Then there is identifying water that will hold tailor and there is a recent post 'best beach formations for tailor' that goes into this to some degree and would be worth a look. But the most important aspect of finding tailor with spinners is to find rocks in surf gutters or around headlands and spin slugs over them.
    There are many tricks and skills associated with spinning that only experience can deliver, but hopefully the info here will help get the ball rolling for you mjc 85.


  5. #5

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Top post Lindsay.

    Could you post a pic of your sliders?

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Here ya go Flash

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Different sizes

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Sizes from the top - 25 gram
    - 40 gram
    - 45gram
    - 55 gram
    - 65 gram

  9. #9

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?


    How do we get a couple of those slugs . I am heading up to Teewah/Rainbow on Sat and normally use my trusty 65 gm Raiders. I drop a lot of fish on these and I was putting it down to the Fireline I use.

    Any fish on the beach at the moment?


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Tony_N's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Lindsay and Chris

    This is brilliant info. I think your posts should be archived here somewhere so that the info isn't lost.


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Tony, You obviously know chook and if you've been into the 1770 post in offshore reports you'll notice he is the one holding all the big trout the b@st@rd.
    Mate I'm happy to keep the info going when posts come up and at this time of year the interest level is obviously high. I have been disappointed time and time again when hearing people aren't having the success they should be with slugs. They are doing something wrong whether it be water selection, cast distance, lure speed or using inappropriate lures. My long term goal has always been to create good alternatives to bait usage which I don't think is necessary and is detrimental to baitfish stocks generally. Thing that hurts me more than anything in fishing is watching 150 guys shoulder to shoulder at Fraser, all using baits and catching crap fish that any child could and thinking they are superstars. To me that's a killing exercise not angling. And if they can't kill some tailor then they'll kill some dart. This business of justifying the cost of going to Fraser by slaughtering heaps of spawning tailor to take home and freeze is in my opinion not acceptable any longer given that tailor stocks are only 40% of virgin levels and heading for collapse. Recreational anglers take a lot more tailor than do the commercial guys and as such it needs to be addressed.
    Note : tailor take spinners at night without any problems.
    Anybody who is looking for tips regarding spinning, Teewah beach or Fraser, or beach fishing generally can email me and I'll do my best to help. -


  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Tony_N's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?


    Couldn't agree more about the killing fields at Frazer - saw the freezers packed with fillets about 15 years ago and haven't been able to bring myself to go back there despite it being one of this world's magic spots.

    The thing about being expert centres around having observation skills and having the ability to analyse what you are seeing and then to remember what you learned that last time you were out. These things (in my experience) can't be learned unless you have the innate ability - but your info points the way to the sort of things to look for. The sliding slug for eg to help stop losing the bigger fish - and the stuff about behavioural diffences when they are heading nth or sth - pure gold.

    Not everyone who would benefit from it will get to see the stuff you've written - but you have my thanks.

    Funny thing is I don't even fish for tailor anymore. Its just very warming to read somebody who really knows his business.


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Thanks Tony, they are kind words indeed.

  14. #14

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse

    How do we get a couple of those slugs . I am heading up to Teewah/Rainbow on Sat and normally use my trusty 65 gm Raiders. I drop a lot of fish on these and I was putting it down to the Fireline I use.

    Any fish on the beach at the moment?

    how do you get some?? keep buggin lindsay till he gets his butt into gear..........................................

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Spinning for Tailor?

    yeah i only use 4kg on my tss4. and just use a double. or a stronger mono

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