seems relevant at the moment so - BUMP!!!![]()
seems relevant at the moment so - BUMP!!!![]()
i use a Wilson 10' rod with a large spinning reel. 20lb mono with 40lb black magic tough trace (30cm). I only use Halco twisty lures in the 30, 40, 55 & 70gm. These lures always work for me and especially when there are few Tailor schooling. 2 weeks ago on Fraser, five of us in total lined up, I was the only one using the Halco twisties and in 2 hours had 18 hook ups to everyone elses 0 hookups. I like the Wilson 10' as it casts very well from within the mentioned weights. Anything longer and the casts are way shorter in my experience but it will all depend on the action of the longer rods.
hey Digi,
exactly which Halco twistie were you using ?
Are sliders lures still available. Im in the Gold Coast
I've never ever seen these slider metals & would be pretty keen to check them out. Anyone have any pics? or better yet are they available to buy anywhere?
The silver ones in 40gm, 55gm and 70gm. Check the web link below
thanks Digi,
If you dont mind, can you go into a bit of detail on your lure casting retreive technique
I try to time the cast so it hits the white water or just before it if fishing a single gutter at high tide.
I immediately start spining as quickly as possible as the splash seems to get serious attention.
I am using a 5.3 to 1 ratio big spool reel and retrieve at a relaxed medium pace until I get the hook up or the lure is back at my feet.
I keep my rod tip down really low, in fact I try to keep it half a foot in the water.
If fishing a double gutter at low tide I like to cast over the first gutter past a sandbank and in to the second gutter. I try to time it so I am retrieving the lure over the sandbank in to the first gutter at the same time a wave is breaking over it and usually get the hook up immediately after clearing the sandbank providing the Tailor are there of course.
Good luck, it works for me and I hope it works for you also.
BTW - I use a 40lb trace of about 30~40cm with the smallest swivel possible on to a 20lb mainline.
Hey, good regurgitation of this thread dated May 2006...?
Lets hope it stays alive again for another week or three.
There's some good info on offer in the preceding pages - just a matter of sifting through the posts to find whatever is helpful to your situation.
"...a voice in my head keeps telling me to go fishing..."
Is a good thing that tailor are relevant atm hey Hooknose - means some are actually being caught. I've attached a pic of a 40g Slider - one I was using and not the way they're supplied - and when I work out the programs on my new pc and can resize pics, then I'll post pics of the other sizes also.
We were supposed to be tiling this morning - Ash and me at Ash's house here at Teewah. But I'd been getting a few choppers at the 2nd cut the last 2 mornings on the last of the run out, so Ash thought the tiling could wait. We left Teewah at 8am.
Conditions were not too bad - 7 or 8 knots of southerly and fairly calm surf but with more swell than for a couple of weeks. The 2nd cut atm has rock in the channel and a gutter draining to this rocky area on the run out that creates turbulence and white water over these rocks - perfect tailor country and especially with white water coming from the break at the back of the gutter/channel. So it wasn't any great surprise to find a chopper first cast, or 2nd and 3rd, but when the school mackerel started smashing the 45g Sliders every cast before the tailor had a chance, I was a tad surprised. We found the areas where the tailor were - 2 different schools under 2 different patches of white water and the mackerel were hanging around a small patch of coffee rock in the middle of the channel with no white water. We could effectively choose which species we wanted - which had us both casting towards the mackerel rocks. It was a fast and furious session with both Ash and I hooking up pretty well every cast for about an hour and a half on schoolies, the odd spotty and good choppers up to around 2kg. You know it's a good sess when guys are doing stretches and trying to relax forearm muscles while their cast is in the air. And at one point I thought about having a little break, but the 2nd wind kicks in and everything frees up and the pain (and tiling) is forgotten. I wasn't too disappointed though when they went off the chew as the tide started running in. Back at Teewah by just before 10am with 1 tailor and 1 mackerel for dinner out of .... I guess 15 fish each.
Went back down towards the 2nd cut late this arvy and was mackerel and tuna at the 3rd cut, but just out of range with 15 knots of southerly and a boisterous surf. Several patches of birds working out further and a few not so far out - looking good and seems as if the fish are coming back after last weeks netting. It won't last long as another net will be shot soon.
Good stuff Slider, sounds like you are getting spoiled after some quiet times, If you are after a good photo editing program that is easy as - try irfanview( free download from the net) works a charm !!
I'll have a look at that program, thanks hooknose.
Went down to the 2nd cut again this morning - conditions not so wonderful with 10 - 12 knots of straight southerly and an increasing swell. 4 of us casting slugs and not a strike between us - we did manage to get drenched and cold though.
After towing Stuart from Wide A Wake Tackle back to his shop at Noosa Harbour cause he broke down at the 2nd cut on his way up the beach to worm, we hit the gutter again for 2 small choppers. And that was it - no other strikes and no sign of birds working or fish of any description.
Couldn't resist it...
Just ordered a 2-pce 10' Daiwa Sensor Surf Rod with Medium/Fast action to match up to that Tica Dolphin reel I mentioned in an earlier post.
Then just on the strength of it, I bought a few Slider lures from Slider and a few Halco Twisties & Lazers from our mate Mo.
(Didn't tell the missus though - she can find that out later as bits & pieces of the order strategically materialise at opportune times...)
Seriously, there are six pages to this thread and so far I haven't read past the 4th. But already I've gained heaps of useful info & some great tips for tailor spinning.
Can't wait to get hold of the equipment arsenal and test it all out... I'll be looking like a pin cushion walking down the beach!
"...a voice in my head keeps telling me to go fishing..."
I tried my local BCF ay Loganholme and Underwood and cannot find any Halco Twisters.
Does anyone know where I can get these from on the southside of Brisbane?
Thanks, Peter