Today, I went fishing in the Maroochy River, fishing from the bridge that leads to Chamber's Island and the island itself, I arrived early in the morning at about 8am, and fished right through till 3.30pm. the conditions were looking bleak at first glance (low tide, murky colouration of water and outgoing tide). Despite these conditions I thought why not? So I did up my typical river rig (ball-sinker, brass swivel and a Mustad All-Round size 10 hook. I threaded my sandworm onto the tiny hook and threw it in, within minutes I was haulin' Whiting like you wouldn't believe. I totalled 12 Whiting, 1 Flathead, 1 Silver Biddy and 1 Bream for the day and I was over the moon with joy. I caught enough Whiting for a few dinners but all fish were released unharmed to fight another day although I almost throttled the Flathead because it spiked me twice with its barbs (OUCH!).
Anyway please tell me about your best fishing sessions I'd like to hear about them.