I was gishing off the rocks in ross river and put my rod down with bait to grab a sip from the bottle and a 15cm rock cod grabs it while i was drinking. About 2 foot of water the little bugger was hiding in.
I was gishing off the rocks in ross river and put my rod down with bait to grab a sip from the bottle and a 15cm rock cod grabs it while i was drinking. About 2 foot of water the little bugger was hiding in.
I was fishing landbased when a sea bird landed next to me with a fish. Shoo'd it away and nicked his fish A nice 40cm luderick !! (still my biggest fish yet, sadly)
Thrawn that is a crackup.... Still laughing!
Nice Thread Surfsup!
Flukiest for me was fishing middle island near keppel, and was watching a parrot fish move along the reef. cast a prawn at it and it took it. As I tried to set the hook, it came free and jagged a good size dart through the side..
Only fish I got that day!
Every fish I catch lately is a fluke but one that jumps to mind is, a few mths ago I was flicking a home made popper off the rocks at hastings for a tailor or 2 when I missed flipping the bail arm over and the popper sank down onto the bommie > > .Anyway wind up the slack and gave the line a giggle or two to try and free the popper (normaly a lost cause) and to my surprise it started to come [smiley=laola.gif] I got me 50c homemade popper back. Hang on a sec the line stuck again > no it's not as line starts to peel off. After a few runs a small jew is on the rocks saying WTF??????
Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........
Thrawn... that is priceless
I caught a Barracouta by the tail ....
While we were landing a Tuna on another rod, this lure had been wound in so it was out of the way .... it was dangling from the rod tip, still about a metre out of the water.
The 'couta jumped out to get it, missed it with his mouth, and as he flipped over to go back in the water, he got hooked through the tail.
When I was at high school in Rockhampton in the sixties I had a small dinghy in which we used to charge around the Fitzroy every chance we got. One afternoon a mate and I were cruising the reeds along the edge of the river bank looking for prawns when this big mullet gets panicked by being caught between the boat and the reeds. It jumps out of the water, hits my mate in the head and falls into the boat. It would easily have cleared the boat but for his head being in the way. We used to take it in turns sharing fish we caught in the prawn scoop (we often got small barra this way) but he claimed that he 'caught' the mullet and had bruises to prove it, so it was his. Couldn't argue with that because I was still rolling about laughing!
Cheers Freeeedom
Thrawn thats p!ss funny!
My flukiest was while I was flicking hardbodies for barra and jacks in a creek up north.
Missed the snag I was casting at and decided to just retrieve my lure as quick as possible, so I could try and get it back in there asap!
As the lure got to the side of the boat I noticed a very wide head showing interest in it through the reasonably clear water.
Being a diver lure it was still 2 feet below the surface of the water, so I twitched a few times and it was engulfed by a Barra of about 80cm right at my feet in clear view.
Total fluke.
Thrawn thats p!ss funny!
My flukiest was while I was flicking hardbodies for barra and jacks in a creek up north.
Missed the snag I was casting at and decided to just retrieve my lure as quick as possible, so I could try and get it back in there asap!
As the lure got to the side of the boat I noticed a very wide head showing interest in it through the reasonably clear water.
Being a diver lure it was still 2 feet below the surface of the water, so I twitched a few times and it was engulfed by a Barra of about 80cm right at my feet in clear view.
Total fluke.
We were fishing at the ferry crossing in the Burnett river and suddenly Mum's rod starts to go off so she's winding it in and we saw it was an undersize wolf herring and it looked as if it had caught someone elses line. We then saw that it was Mum's line and it had got wrapped around the fish's teeth it got off right at the boat > We kept fishing and caught a couple of whiting when Mum's got another nice size fish on she brings it up and the same thing has happened we got it in this time and it measured 53cm so back it goes. that's the flukiest fish I've seen caught.
was sitting down the river a few weeks back and we decided to pack up and move to a different spot. so i reeled my line in and it seemed to weigh a fair bit, and wen i got it up close it was a 50cm toad fish. would have been about 15cm diameter.
Most sports require one ball..... Fishing requires two
4M tinnie with 25hp johnson
Call ova for a chat if you see me out on the water
Went to Glenlyon dam a few years back with the old fella and we were tossing lures around the white rocks. I hooked a yella about 6kg and wound it back to the boat and noticed there was another one swimming around beneath it. Dad put the landing net down deep to try and get both of them and lifted it up only to find he could not lift it out of the water. There were 3 big yella's in the landing net. One bigger fish and another two around 4kg. We let them go as they were very obviously in spawning mode. Made a good fishing story about 3 big yella's on one hook. cheers, steve.
I've had a couple
1) Upgrade ...... Spinning for Tailor (for Jewie bait) Hooked an 8" fish & while I was bringing it to the boat a Kingie wolfed it down & got hooked .... 20 mins later a 12kg fish is on the deck
2) Hinchinbrook ... Casting underneith a Mangrove branch hoping to catch a barra ...... Too much juice on the cast & ended up over the branch with a wrap I start the motor to go in & retrieve the misdirected lure which was dangling 6 or so inches above the water .... Then a barra smashes the lure - hooks up - the braid cuts through the small branch & I end up with a 65cm barra ...... My mate always said I was lucky
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Ive got nothing to add to this other than I notice this thread is full of double posts.
Some crack up stories here.
Where out chasing doggies one winter up here in Townsville some time ago, the fish where off the chew and our pillies wher being picked of by little stuff. Found a small slimy mackeral in with the pillies so I chucked it on one of those cheap little hand lines with 8lb line and size 4 long shank hook trying to catch the little buggers who where stealing our pillies.
Next thing, the reel started jumping around all over the deck, line peeling off it. Tried to play it for a while but I was no match for this thing with a hand line so decided to attach the 8lb line to one of my rods.
I got my old man to hang onto the line while I proceeded to unrig my rod and tie it to the line. 20 minutes later, I landed a 15kg Cobia, the spool on my rod was overflowing with the additional line.
That was one unlucky fish!!
Some good stories there...!!!
Funniest thing I reckon ever happened to me whilst fishing was about a month ago, heading out to wide Caloundra about 3am, conditions flat as, doing 30 knots across the water, next thing here this fish kicking around the boat, turn around to find a flying fish had flew up to attack the mast light and knocked itself out on the rocket launchers,
Hadn't even had a drop, 1 nil to the driver.....weirdest looking fish i'd ever seen....
Took it to the taxidermist to get stuffed, now lives in the pool room,
Now thats one unlucky fish..............