Kevs post n the turtles got me to thinking. If a hook is deep in the fishes mouth, and it would be traumatic to remove it, is it ok to leave the hook in? I ask this as I saw a program a coupleof weeks agowhere the guy said it kills the fish. Now, he was talking about grey nurse sharks.
The guy was a diver/filmaker and was diving looking for sharks. They came across this grey nurse with a hook in its mouth. They fed a rope down from the boat which he used to loop it around the shark and they hauled it up to the surface. Once up there they removed it and then let the shark go. The whole process (rope taught over the gills and a long time out of the water) seemed far worse then pulling the shark close to a boat and cutting the line to let it free.
So I ask, do I cut the line and leave the hook... or risk so mach damage to the fish removing the hook that it may not recover? Any opinions, or even factual comments would be greatly appreciated as any fish I release I hope tocatch again someday.