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Thread: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

  1. #1

    Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    Has anyone bought one of these yet? What do you think?

  2. #2

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    General feeling around the traps is the Zercom is better value for money and easier to use.

  3. #3

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    Hi Smithy,
    Agree with the comment on the Zercom, but have only played with the Lowrance a bit in comparison.
    The Zercom appreared to be much easier to use but the Lowrance had some good features.
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  4. #4

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    Both the Zercon and the Lowrance are fantastic units, but i'll have to go with the flow and agree that the Zercon is defentily the most useer friendly!!

  5. #5

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    A good friend of mine just bought an LCX 15-MT. Pretty good gear. It is better than my X85, once you are used to the buttons. For around 2 grand, I reckon you should be able to see a Flathead fart at forty fathoms. The new colour ones sure look pretty too.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  6. #6

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    For around two grand I'd like fish cam but thats probably on the way too no doubt. Ha ha told you you should have waited

  7. #7

    Re: Lowrance LCX 15-MT Sounders

    BTW know nothing about any of them so disregard any of this

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