no can't help myself fitzy sorry.IF ALL THE ABOVE WERE TRUE Can someone please tell me WHY DO WE HAVE FUSES IN CARS ON THE POSITVE WIRES? THEY WOULD SERVE NO PURPOSE!!!!!!!!!
Im not disagreeing with you guys. however the hose analogy. It would eventually burst due to the fact that the Water main has a greater pressure in it and if nothing else was connected to it, it would withstand the outside pressure for a while that is it. ie different amperage wire 10 amp wire 5 amp fuse. 5 aMp fuse will blow. Resistors in circuitry are exactly the same. However we all agree that there has to be and outside influence to make this happen and sometimes this can occur.Its like saying my boat motor started yesterday but won't start today. It is not about who is right or wrong. We all know the laws of Physics so with all of us knowlegeable people we should be able to fix adams sounder don't you think? Lets leave it alone.