is there an easier way to load my w/pts from h/held l/rance to navman chartplotter other than manually i understand its easy to mark harbour/ rivermouths etc by using the chart display but fishing marks ?? any advice ?? cheers brian
is there an easier way to load my w/pts from h/held l/rance to navman chartplotter other than manually i understand its easy to mark harbour/ rivermouths etc by using the chart display but fishing marks ?? any advice ?? cheers brian
Easier yes but not all that simple and might depend on if the cost is worth it. What model navman?
Data out of the Lowrance is easy, cheap (free) and not a problem. As far as I'm aware there's no straight simple software that supports the Navman other than C-Maps Planner, which obviously comes at a cost.
With C-Map planner then the other issue would be to re-format the data, but that's generally not much of a problem.
Cheers, Kerry.
kerry its a tracker 5500 maybe easier for me manually (old age guy) cheers brian
what model lowrance ?
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global nav 212
Both units allow for NMEA in and out. Just need to get the cables to connect the two together. BUT that will set you back about $50
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NMEA in/out for waypoint transfer isn't straight forward unless the unit actually supports it as a menu option or go between download/upload software that supports or allowed to be supported by both/eiter unit.Originally Posted by bungie
Cheers, Kerry.
Brian, even once you get the current lot in the navman you'll still want to download the whole kit and kaboodle every so often as a backup.Originally Posted by bigbrian47
Something keeps telling me I've seen download software that supports Navman (somewhere) but I'm buggered if I can remember just where (old ageyou know how it is)
Cheers, Kerry.
so in your opinions would it be easier to manually do it or buy the necessary gear if $50 is all no problem but the difficulty maybe in the knowledge to use it appreciate your help cheers brian
Easy enough to look in the menu options of each unit.
Brian, how many pionts do you have. If its twenty or thirty then I would do it by hand. More than that and its up to you .
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ohh, thats US$50 sorry mate
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a lot of points but of course only a few necessary at one time kerry if you remember info please as you say the updating is ongoing cheers brian