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Thread: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

  1. #1

    choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    this has been done to death, but here goes

    matrix 27 $670
    Navman 4350? $695
    X67c not sure of $ but around the same

    Matrix 640 x 320 dual beam with temp
    on the other 2 units the screen res is not as good, the depth is not as good, they dont have temp.
    but is a cheap color worth buying

    best aust prices if any one can better


  2. #2

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    Lowrance X135 for under $600. 420 x 420 Pixels.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  3. #3

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    Hi Blaze
    Leisure Marine here in Brisbane have the navman4350sx colour advertised in this months Bush n beach for $550.
    Mate i have the lowrance x67c 320 by 240 pixels and there,s no way im going back to grey but in saying this i only fish Moreton Bay area.
    You in Tassie probably need more power to fish deeper water so therefore that dual beam and bigger pixel count of the matrix may be the answer.
    You can have the best sounder around but how many people really know how to get the best from there unit? i must admitt i'm still learning but it sure is fun with colour.(lowrance x67c $655.00 with temp sensor as standard)
    Cheers Brent

  4. #4

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    hi brent
    how do you find the cover of the bottom in shallower water, say 10 to 20 meters, how big of an area do you think it covers. moost of what i do is between 5 and 30 meters, but once a year i will drag the boat down the east coast and the shelf is only 20k off shore, in saying that, cant justify spending the $ to see bottom out there cause its only once a year,
    would love to buy the nav or x67c, this is a bloody worry.
    wish i could try them out

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    X135 is actually 480x480 even better (60 degree)

    X136DF is the above model with dual beam (35 & 12 degree)

    Matrix 27 is the equivalent of the X136DF (20, 60 degree)

    (M27 claims to go to 500m, the X136DF to 760m and the X135 to 305. All 4000 watts power but the narrower beams would be the difference)

    Very rough guide 60 degree cone give 1 for 1 depth for area, 20 degree give 3 depth per 1 wide (ie 30 m depth the cone is 10m wide).

    Another option might be the Eagle SeaFinder 480DF with 35/12 degree cones (only rated to 457m). Mostly the same unit as the Lowrance just cheaper (made by lowrance).

  6. #6

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    Blaze the depth you are fishing is very much the same as me.
    Not sure of the area the x67c's transducer covers... its a standard 60 degree one.
    I have an excelent picture of bottom structure in the 5 to 30 metre to ajust the sensitivety up to 95% and then back it off till the screen becomes clear of unwanted rubbish.
    Holds bottom at speed which is great for me as my old sounder lost it soon after she was up on the plane.
    Best to go to your local takle shop and check each model out in simulation mode before you decide to buy.
    check out this pic of my sounder working in 10 metres.
    Cheers Brent

  7. #7

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    hi brent
    still undercided, going holidaying in vic, sa, and may be nsw for 3 weeks, so i have a bit of time to think about it cause i wont get on till i get back, might see if i can find something while i am over there but the wife might put the stoppers on that

  8. #8

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    Blaze just tell your wife she will be happy because with that new colour sounder you will bring home bigger fish......might work mate..he he
    Enjoy your going on holidays in 2 weeks myself.
    To the beautiful Hervey bay.
    Cheers Brent

  9. #9

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    well I looked at the 67c liked it so ended up with the 100c I LIKE IT

  10. #10

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    well I looked at the 67c liked it so ended up with the 100c I LIKE IT

  11. #11

    Re: choose of 3 sounders, which one why

    Good choice there Krazyfisher,
    same pixel count as the 67c but has a wider screen, more power and a greater depth capability.
    Can i ask what you paid for the x100c?
    Cheers Brent

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