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Thread: Lowrance/Humminbird

  1. #1


    I will be updating my Lowrance X51 soon. I am looking at a X125. I have always been keen on lowrance.

    However I notice Humminbird have a FF565 which has a Pixel rating of 640 X 320 compared to the X125 Pixel rating of 480 X 480.

    Has anybody heard if the Humminbird FF565 is any good as compared to the X125?

    I will be using my sounder mainly for freshwater work.

    Any advice or comment.



  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    My X135 rocks. Do the maths, less pixels on the Hummingbird.

  3. #3

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird


    I have had an X125 for over six months now and couldn't be happier - use it mainly for bass in the dams. Can't comment on the Humminbird however.


  4. #4

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    Have a look at the Eagle fishmark 480 X 480 great sounder same company and backup. But a little cheaper than Lowrance.
    I do not know the Humminbirds.

  5. #5

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    I have an x125 that i ordered with the hornet it's a great little unit. I have it an the casting deck with the bowmount and it does a great job. Better than the bird sitting on the console.
    When the wife said i could get a lab i think she meant a dog.

    LABSPORT XT 200H.O. etec

  6. #6

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    I'm currently running a Lowrance X135 alongside a Matrix 35x in my boat. There are positives and negatives on both sides, but I'd suggest you look at a Matrix 37x. You can hook up the GPS unit and Weather Sense. The clarity is good, and I reckon it's the best 'bird ever for finding fish. Side scan is a great option as well. If you're running two sounders, you'll probably find, like me, that two Lowrance units don't behave well together. With the X51 on the bow and the Matrix on the transom, you'll have a great set-up.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  7. #7

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    Thanks for the replies, fella's

    I currently am running a X75 up the front on the bowmount, so I am looking for a new one on the console, as the x75 easily finds the fish when on leccy power.

    I had not thought about looking at the Eagle, but their the same as lowrance aren't they?

    X51 is working fine at the moment but like most of us here we always want something better, so I will probably go for the x125. They just look so good for the money.

    Thanks again for the replies.


  8. #8

    Re: Lowrance/Humminbird

    I have had the x125 for 6 months and use it for saltwater fishing i find it a great sounder .The screen is clear and easy to read both night and day and it's as easy to use as the x51 .I had the x51 before the x125

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